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Toronto and Peel will enter Stage 1 Lockdown on Monday

From Ford's press conference. More info coming soon. 1201am on Monday this goes into effect
Read it here:

Organized public events, social gatherings and religious services, rites and ceremonies

Restaurants, bars and food or drink establishments

  • Indoor and outdoor service prohibited
  • Take out, drive through and delivery permitted, including sale of alcohol

Sports and recreational fitness facilities

  • Closed for indoor and outdoor except for high performance and professional athletes
  • Community centres and multi-purpose facilities (for example, YMCA) allowed to be open for permitted activities such as child care services

Meeting and event spaces

  • Closed with limited exceptions for:
    • day camps for children
    • recreational and skill building programs under the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014
    • alcohol or substance abuse counselling
    • court services
    • government services
    • mental health support services


  • Retail permitted to be open for curbside pick-up or delivery only (in-person retail shopping not permitted)
  • Exceptions where in-person shopping is permitted:
    • supermarkets, grocery stores and convenience stores
    • hardware stores
    • other retailers selling groceries
    • beer and wine and liquor stores
    • pharmacies and safety supply stores
  • 50% capacity limits in retail outlets permitted to open for in-person shopping
  • Motor vehicle sales permitted to be open for in-person shopping by appointment only and other safety restrictions
  • Garden centres, plant nurseries permitted for curbside pick-up or delivery; indoor by appointment only
  • Outdoor markets permitted
  • Malls open, with:
    • retail outlets in malls permitted to be open for curbside pick-up or delivery only (in-person retail shopping not permitted)
    • full access to businesses and organizations permitted to be open (for example, pharmacy, dentist)
    • food court open for take-away only
  • Requirement to maintain 2 metres while standing in line and flow management

Personal care services


Casinos, bingo halls and gaming establishments



Closed, except for:
  • drive-in cinemas
  • rehearsal or performing a recorded or broadcasted event

Performing arts facilities

  • Closed to spectators
  • Rehearsal or performing a recorded or broadcasted event permitted
  • Performers and employees must maintain 2 metre physical distance except for purposes of the performance
  • Singers and players of brass or wind instruments must be separated from any other performers by plexiglass or other impermeable barrier
  • Drive-in performances permitted

Amusement parks, water parks

  • Closed

Bathhouses and sex clubs

  • Closed

Boarding kennels and stables

  • Permitted to open for animal’s owner to visit the animal, assist in the care or feeding of the animal or, as applicable, ride the animal


  • Campsites must be made available only for trailers and recreational vehicles that are used by individuals who are in need of housing, or are permitted to be there by the terms of a full season contract
  • Only campsites with electricity, water service and facilities for sewage disposal may be provided for use
  • All recreational facilities in the campground and all other shared facilities in the campground, other than washrooms and showers, must be closed
  • Short-term campground rentals that were reserved on or before November 22, 2020 are permitted; no new reservations after November 22, 2020 permitted, except for individuals who are in need of housing


  • Permitted by curb-side pick-up

Driving instruction

  • In-person driving instruction not permitted
  • Virtual permitted

Household services

  • Domestic and cleaning and maintenance services permitted, including:
    • housekeepers, cooks, maids and butlers
    • personal affairs management
    • nanny services and babysitters
    • other domestic personnel
    • house cleaning
    • indoor or outdoor painting
    • pool cleaning
    • general repairs
  • Outdoor cleaning and maintenance services permitted

Horse racing

  • Training only, no races
  • No spectators

Hotels, motels

  • Permitted to operate except for any pools, fitness centres, meeting rooms and other recreational facilities that may be part of the operations of these businesses


  • Open for curbside, delivery and pick-up
  • Patrons permitted to enter libraries for contactless drop-off and pick-up, and to access computers, photocopiers, or similar services
  • May open for permitted services (for example, child care services, AA meetings)
  • No classes

Marinas, boating clubs, golf courses and driving ranges

  • Marinas and boating clubs permitted to operate for fuel supply, watercraft repair and servicing, watercraft docking and watercraft launching services for essential purposes
  • Clubhouses, restaurants, pools, meeting rooms, fitness centres or other recreational facilities on the premises closed to the public, with limited exceptions
  • Golf courses and driving ranges:
    • Outdoors permitted
    • Indoors closed
  • Indoor shooting ranges closed

Media industries

  • Film and television production, including all supporting activities such as hair, makeup and wardrobe, are permitted to open if they meet the following conditions:
    • No studio audiences may be permitted to be on the film or television set
    • The set must be configured and operated in such a way as to enable persons on the set to maintain a physical distance of at least two metres from other persons, except where necessary for the filming of the film or television production
    • Persons who provide hair or makeup services must wear appropriate personal protective equipment
  • Film and television post-production, visual effects and animation studios are permitted
  • Book and periodical production, publishing and distribution businesses are permitted
  • Interactive digital media businesses, including computer system software or application developers and publishers, and video game developers and publishers are permitted


  • Closed

Museums and other cultural amenities (for example, art galleries, science centres)

  • Closed


  • Only permitted to open if they operate as a restaurant, bar, or other food and drink establishment (take-out, drive-through and delivery service only)

Personal services

  • In-person personal services not permitted, including:
    • personal shoppers
    • party and wedding planners
    • personal organizer services
    • personal physical fitness or sports trainers
    • house sitters
    • Photography studios and services
  • Real estate agencies
  • Permitted to operate; open houses permitted by appointment only

Short-term rentals

  • Existing bookings as of November 22, 2020 honoured regardless of when the rental occurs
  • No new bookings after November 22, 2020 permitted, except for individuals who are in need of housing
  • This does not apply to hotels, motels, lodges, resorts and other shared rental accommodation, including student residences

Strip clubs

  • Only permitted to open if they operate as a restaurant, bar, or other food and drink establishment (take-out, drive-through and delivery service only)

Tour and guide services

  • Closed

Veterinary services

Services that are permitted include:
  • Veterinary services and other businesses that provide for the health and welfare of animals, including farms, boarding kennels, stables, animal shelters and research facilities
  • Businesses that provide services for the training and provision of service animals
  • Businesses that provide pet services, including pet grooming services, pet sitting services, pet walking services and pet training services

Zoos and aquariums

  • Closed to the public
  • Permitted to operate for the care of animals
submitted by uarentme to ontario [link] [comments]

Proposed plan for the lockdown moving forward: Lebanon will undergo 4 stages of easing the lockdown, each phase for a period of 15 days. Details in the post.

This is the circulated proposed plan for the lockdown moving forward. We are still waiting for the official documents from the ministry for confirmation.
On February 8th, some urgent production sectors will open, but what is inevitable now is that the general lockdown will continue, meaning that the curfew will remain in effect 24/7, and leaving your house is only acceptable upon permission granted from the official platform.
The opening of the sectors will be according to 4 phases, each phase for a period of 15 days.

Stage 1

In the first stage, the supermarket and mini-market will be opened while preserving the delivery facility. Going to the supermarket needs permission, which is given for a period of two hours .. For this purpose, any person should get permission and save the "qr code" that will be checked upon entry and exit of any supermarket.
Also, at this stage, industries related to agriculture, poultry, livestock, and milk production will be opened .. Its employees are required to take the PCR test every 14 days.
Banks will open their doors at 20% of their absorptive capacity.

Stage 2

In the second phase, the following sectors will be added:
Car dealerships, car repairs, laundry, taxis, buses, construction works, and licensed factories with a capacity of 40%. It is forbidden to work for any citizen over the age of 60 years and there is a necessity to routinely perform a pcr test.

Stage 3

In the third phase, all kinds of trade that have not previously opened will be opened. Banks and factories will operate at 50% of the absorptive capacity .. The decision to ban citizens who have passed the age of 60 will remain in effect, and the PCR examination of the employees will be conducted every 30 days.

Stage 4

In the fourth and final phase, the restaurant halls, Casino du Liban, tourist and historical sites, indoor swimming pools, beaches and streets, sports clubs and game centers will be opened, meaning all sectors will resume work, and those over the age of 60 will be allowed to work.

Education Sector

With regard to the education sector and nurseries, the committee recommends not to open them during the first phase, provided that the Ministry of Education and Higher Education coordinates with the Ministry of Public Health and the health authorities concerned with studying the available data and data and setting up a mechanism for opening this sector.
It should be noted that in order to move from one stage to another, health indicators will be looked at during each stage, and the Ministry of Health must determine the extent of readiness of the medical sector, the number of regular beds and the icu beds that have been prepared, and the epidemiological reality numbers, and according to these numbers it is decided to follow the stages or not.
في الثامن من شباط ستفتح بعض القطاعات الانتاجية الملحة وما هو محتم حتى الساعة ان الاقفال العام مستمر اي ان منع التجول سيبقى ساريا ٢٤/٧ والخروج مشترط باذن ممنوح من المنصة الرسمية.
فتح القطاعات سيكون وفق ٤ مراحل، كل مرحلة لفترة ١٥ يوما.

المرحلة الاولى

في المرحلة الاولى ستفتح السوبرماركت والميني ماركت مع الحفاظ على وسيلة الديليفري، التوجه نحو السوبرماركت بحاجة لاذن يعطى لفترة ساعتين.. ولهذا الغرض فّعلت الية الـ “qr code” يتم مسحه عند الدخول والخروج، علما ان قبل ١٥ دقيقة من انتهاء الوقت المحدد للتبضع سيتم ارسال اشعار للمواطن بضرورة الاسراع.
ايضا في هذه المرحلة ستفتح الصناعات المتعلقة بالزراعة والدواجن والمواشي وانتاج الحليب.. ويشترط على موظفيها ان يقوموا بفحص pcr كل ١٤ يوما.
والمصارف ستفتح ابوابها بنسبة ٢٠٪؜ من قدرتها الاستيعابية.

المرحلة الثانية

في المرحلة الثانية ستضاف القطاعات التالية:
وكالات السيارات وتصليح السيارات، المصبغة الاجرة ، الحافلات ، اعمال البناء، والمصانع المرخصة بسعة ٤٠٪؜ وممنوع ان يعمل اي مواطن تخطى ال ٦٠ عاما وهناك ضرورة باجراء فحص الpcr بشكل روتيني.

المرحلة الثالثة

في المرحلة الثالثة ستفتح كل انواع التجارة التي لم تفتح مسبقا المصارف والمصانع ستعمل بنسبة ٥٠٪؜ من القدرة الاستيعابية.. قرار منع المواطنين الذين تخطوا ال ٦٠ عاما سيبقى ساريا وسيجرى فحص ال pcr للموظفين كل ٣٠ يوما.

المرحلة الرابعة

في المرحلة الرابعة والاخيرة ستفتح صالات المطاعم كازينو لبنان المواقع السياحية والتاريخية المسابح الداخلية الشواطىء والشوارع النوادي الرياضية ومراكز الالعاب.. اي كل القطاعات ستعاود العمل وسيسمح لمن هم فوق الـ ٦٠ عاما مزاولة العمل.

وفیما خص قطاع التربیة والتعلیم والحضانات

وفیما خص قطاع التربیة والتعلیم والحضانات توصي اللجنة بعدم فتحھا خلال المرحلة الأولى على أن تقوم وزارة التربیة والتعلیم العالي بالتنسیق مع وزارة الصحة العامة والجھات الصحیة المختصة بدراسة البیانات والمعطیات المتوافرة ووضع آلیة فتح هذا القطاع.
تجدر الاشارة الى انه للانتقال من مرحلة الى اخرى سينظر الى المؤشرات الصحية خلال كل مرحلة وعلى وزارة الصحة ان تحدد مدى جهوزية القطاع الطبي وعدد الاسرة العادية والـ icu beds التي جُهزت وارقام الواقع الوبائي، ووفقا لهذه الارقام يقرر المتابعة بالمراحل من عدمها.
News Coverage here and here
submitted by ThePerito to lebanon [link] [comments]

How to deal with clones

How to deal with clones
indeed, i made a mistake and made 2 clone extraction sites ... THAT IS REALLY IS SO MUCH CLONES APPEARS THAT I CAN NOT DO ANYTHING i deleted one of the clone boxes and yet they are too many

Note: I am really a lucky person, I can get all the good breakthroughs without installing mods etc. (you can understand from my other posts) So now I have the power of service bots, I send these clones to school as they are scientists etc. for me, but it is not enough, there are too many clones for circulation.

the dome is completely covered with the house and yet so many people are homeless

I don't want to stop the clones because it's fun to play without any people from the world but they started to cause a lot of trouble

Edit: I set up a nursery for children, but 4 children can live, on the other hand, since the apartment allows more children to live, I removed it.


I turned off the clone machine, for now. I kept setting up the dome, but it seemed like it was not the solution because I can't provide the service that anyone wants, I have set up 2 casinos and they are still full and the population can't even work because I couldn't make workspaces without setting up service buildings!

I guess the bug does not carry food with shuttles and that's why they have a food shortage.

really. I produce everything now and I don't need that many people. I didn't think they would be this much!

Edit 2:
I accidentally triggered a dust storm and they all died. LET GOD, I NO LONGER HAVE TO DEAL WITH COLONISTS!
submitted by SnooCapers8401 to SurvivingMars [link] [comments]

Meeting the one for the first time in person

Venus and Jupiter placement
Venus is for men. Jupiter is for women. Both or either one preferred for non-binary people. Also, both as you'd like but the theme only applies to either placement. Your spouse will have the qualities of the planet's placement sign, house of location's original ruling sign and the house cusp sign, they are all shown in their natal chart.
Place (house)
Theme (house cusp sign)
e.g. Justin Bieber, Venus in Pisces in Pisces 4th house cusp & Hailey Bieber, Jupiter in Capricorn in Capricorn 7th house cusp // Justin and Hailey first met in person at a fan event held backstage at The Today Show which was in a commercial building. Not to mention, she was accompanied by her father. The event happened in New York, where Justin"s father-in-law originated. Source 1 | Source 2 | Source 3
e.g. Elvis Presley, Venus in Capricorn in Capricorn 2nd house cusp & Priscilla Presley, Jupiter in Virgo in Virgo 9th house cusp // Elvis was in Germany for his Army career. He held a party at his temporary house where a number of guests were invited. Priscilla had been in Germany with her family as her father was ordered to be there. She travelled to Elvis's residence after she was given permission by her father to go to the party, and it was where Elvis and Priscilla first met in person. Source 1 | Source 2
By the way, you may want to note the placements of the benefic planets being Sun, Venus and The Greater Benefic Jupiter in your natal chart, the areas in which they are placed are dominant in your life.
submitted by alexwill10 to AskAstrologers [link] [comments]

Made a checklist and need ideas on what I have missed

Got bored and made a country building checklist
Where is your country?
How big is your country?
What is the population of your country?
What is the landscrape of your country
Where does mostly the resident lives in? Which part of the country?
What are the main industries there?
Is it easy to travel around your country?
Is your country, safe to travel?
What are your country's threats?
What is the political system in your country?
Who is in power at the moment?
How is your country dealing with the current financial crisis?
What are the leaders of your country is like?
Where is the capital of your country? Which city?
How would you describe the capital cities and any other main cities?
What special attractions can be found in each city?
Sports and Games
What is the most popular sport in your country?
Are there any sports or games unique to your country?
When is the best time to watch them?
How well your country do in international/interplanet competitions?
Are there any sports that foreign visitors practice in your country?
Is football or soccer popular in your country? If so, which are the best teams?
What is the weather like?
Is the weather very different in different parts of the country?
Can you describe the seasons?
What is the best time to visit?
What languages are spoken in your country?
What language do you usually hear on the streets?
How many people speak English in your country?
Is there a particular national costume? Can you describe it?
Are there any special local dances? What are they like?
Are the people generally friendly?
What are some special customs or traditions in your country?
Do your country have an anthem?
What are the principal economic activites of your country?
What does it export?
What is the history of your country?
Did your country gain independence from another country?
What are the most popular tourist destinations in your country? What makes them popular?
Are there any hotels in your country?
Are there many opportunities to explore the countryside?
Is it easy to find maps and routes?
Is there much interesting architecture in your country?
Are there many famous artists or authors based in your country?
Is there a wide range of shops in your country?
Is it safe to drink the water?
Is there a lot of wildlife?
Are there any deer, wild boar, wolves, bears etc?
Can you hunt them?
Are there any natural parks?
Is fishing popular?
Is there any bird species?
What are the most popular animals?
Other questions
What are the regular and severe weather?
Have there or is there an civil war(s)?
What has been major evironmental disasters
What are common allergies do residents have?
Do residents work all week? What is the normal schedule? The normal income?
What are the rules about magic? Is time travel allowed?
Is there space exploration?
What are the seasons? What are they like?
What are the results of breaking the laws?
What are funerals like?
What are major festivals? How are they celebrated?
What are things poisonous to residents?
What is the difference between poor, middle class and rich residents?
What are popular shops and restaurants
What utensils do people use to eat?
Are there street food sellers? Are they legal?
What makes certain areas dangerous?
What are common hobbies?
Are there theme parks? Casinos?
Is gambling legal?
What the normal smells in certain cities?
What are favourite perfumes and deodarants?
Is there tensions between different races?
What are common living arrangements?
How do they deal with old age?
Is there nursing homes?
Is there gyms?
What are favourite exercises?
What do they learn in school?
What are endangered resources?
What are popular landmarks?
What is the work ethic like?
What are common superstitions?
What are considered Controversial Topics?
How does election work? Is there magic influence? What are the political concerns?
How does the justice system work?
Is there conventions that go to your country? Tours?
What are the common scams to watch out for?
What type of pets do residents have? Are there pet shelters? Pet shops?
What type of wild animals and magical creatures are there?
Are there farmers and what type of livestock are there? What type of crops? What are primary crops?
What type of trees, flowers and magical flowers are there?
What are favourite snacks of residents?
How does the flora differ from region to region?
Do the plants have special or magical properties? Are there any dangerous plants?
What are diseases in this country and how do they affect residents and the country?
What type of chronic diseases are there? Does magic affect them?
How does each city choose to represent themselves? Flags? Certain coloured uniform?
What are dangerous weather conditions and how do they affect a day? How does the climate differ in the region?
What are the different languages and which are the main language? Are sign language used? What written languages are there?
How do residents greet each other?
What are considered social taboos?
What type of currency are there? Are interplanet/international currency accepted?
How many food does certain species need?
What are the common building materials?
What are the main technologies and how do residents use them? Are there forbidden technology? Are there certain groups that use certain technology?
What is the greatest knowledge? Is there libraries?
What are the main emergency services?
What are the military assistance and when do they come into the picture?
What are the rescue groups? Animals? Disaster?
Are there younglings scouts? Guides? What ages?
What are the races and species?
What are the international/ interplanet relations?
What are races and species conflicts?
What does the country have, that other countries don't have?
What goods are transported into which cities? How are they transported?
How does the country rely on certain trades?
What would happen if a countrywide blackout was to happen? Dangers? How does certain magic work?
What are the most dangerous technology level is?
What are the laws? What are unwritten rules? Are there specific laws for magic
Are there rural and farmland?
What are mineral resources?
What are natural resources?
What are the most expensive items?
What are the water and food resources? Poor areas? Dangerous areas?
Are there religions and churches?
What cults and sects are there?
How accessible are certain areas? Are there any that you can't accessible? What are the borders?
What weapons do law enforcements use?
What types of crimes are committed?
What are favourite events?
What are Rivals and enemies of your country? Allies?
How much of the world is farmland? Forest? Desert? Mountains? Plains?
What are the limits of magic and why are these limits?
Does any of the flora or fauna collected? Used in food? Spells?
What type of society classes are there?
What type of drugs are there? How are they accessed? What are the legal punishments?
What are the accessable healthcare? What quality of hospitals are there?
Can residents access medications easily? How many residents take vaccines? Are there anti-vaccines?
What are smaller emergency services? Rural?
Will emergency services go to the poor areas? Dangerous areas?
What are the special police? Is there a FBI type of police? CIA? NSA?
Create City maps
What are the architectual styles? Show drawings
What type of disabilities are there? Conditions? Illnesses? Does magic affect these?
What pandemics have there been?
How are disabilities treated?
How are mental illnesses treated?
How are Invisible Disabilities treated?
What disability services are there?
Are there magical conditions and illnesses?
What prisons and mental insituations are there?
What protests groups exist? Why do they protest against these? What laws do they break?
What are the main schools? Universities? Colleges? Daycares? Nurseries?
How are the educational system rated in compare to other countries?
Is it common for residents to have children? Are there limits?
What are the unwritten rules to raising children? How does magic affect this?
What happens if a child was to go missing? Abducted?
How are child abuse dealt with?
What if a resident was to go missing? Was abused? Killed?
What is considered Forbidden Romance?
How are LGBT+ treated? Are they taboo? Respected?
What specism/racism is there?
What are different species diets?
What holidays and traditions are there?
Are the residents track? If so how?
What type of transportation is there?
What type of communication services are you?
What are certain magical spell ingredients and artifacts?
How are research done? Health? Food? Magic?
How does the country handle item recalls?
What type of family units are there?
How are births handle? In a hospital?
What type of legal system is there?
Is alcohol legal?
What different type of uniforms are there? Jobs? Schools
What logos exist for the country? Sports groups?
What type of advertising is there? For TV? Streaming services? Internet?
Is there social media?
Are there preppers? What are they preparing for and what are the changes of it happening?
Where are the evacuation shelters?
What haunted and abandoned places are there?
What man made disasters has there been? Magical disasters? Mass attacks?
What has been the worse accidents?
What popular brands are there? Design brands for the following
Food (healthy, vegan, fast food, restaurants, chocolate etc.)
Drinks (coffee, teas, alcohol- beer, wine, spitzlers; soft drinks, juices, milk)
Clothing, fashion stores
Tv and media platforms (internet, mobile phones, tech, social media, streaming)
Drugs (Tobacco, medical use, medication, diet fads)
Decor (for different rooms such as bedroom and bathroom. Kids rooms
Toys and things for children and Babies.
Household items.
Airlines, car rentals, booking websites and agents
Trains, trams
Car pick up services, delivery services, post services
Shopping centres, groceries services
Banks, loans sharks
Scams like mlms
Sports teams and lines
Music lines
Social medias
Stationery items and shops
Arts n crafts shop
Publishing houses
Recording studios
Law firms
Disability support and funding
Movie agencies
Theme parks
Subscriptions services
Gyms, weight loss services
Specific schools, private schools
High elite universities and colleges
Search engines
Mobile games, board games
Smart devices
Online shopping
Investors, stock markets
Tv shows, current affairs type of shows
submitted by Acountryheart to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

How Can You Benefit From Tokenization? 🤔 💭

Connect your company to the blockchain to create your unique digital identity by issuing a token (a digital share) for your business. Digitize your assets and raise new capital more easily. By 2025, 10% of global assets are expected to be tokenized. How can you benefit as a business owner and as an investor?
A token is a digital means to represent a unit of value. This unit can be assigned to anything held valuable, such as digital assets or digital representations of possessions. You can take advantage of what tokens and tokenization have to offer to you both as a business owner and an investor.

What Is Tokenization

When talking about cryptocurrencies, we speak about coins and tokens. A coin is generally a cryptocurrency with its own standalone blockchain (e.g. Bitcoin, Litecoin), it has similar characteristics as money, and is used for payments as money.
A token is typically a cryptocurrency that uses and is built on an already existing blockchain, e.g. DEXFIN Token (DXF), which is built on Ethereum. A token can also represent a share in ownership, a share in a company, etc. That’s why tokens can be used very well to tokenize a business.
Tokenization means emitting tokens and assigning them a specific value. Physical tokens have long been used to represent money. Some examples are casino chips, cheques, banknotes and coins, prepaid gift and shopping cards, as well as coupons. Tokens are also used to protect credit card information where the primary account number is replaced with a randomized number, called a token. Thus, we have been using tokens in many forms and for a very long time.
Tokenization is also a new form of crowdfunding for companies and a new opportunity for investors to participate in promising projects at an early stage to benefit from their growth and future profit.
Tokenization allows to divide one ownership right (e.g. to a factory) into individual tokens. Since tokens have up to 18 decimals, it is very easy for investors to support your company by buying a fraction of the shares in the form of tokens. Tokens can also be connected with a project, used as loyalty points, means of payment, etc. All these transactions are immutable and always transparently accessible on blockchain, which serves as a public ledger.

Stocks vs. Tokens

Let’s have some examples of the most expensive stocks in the world as of February 5, 2021.
It is apparent that the prices of some shares can be prohibitive. Many people can’t even start thinking about buying any of these shares.
On the other hand, a token can have up to 18 decimals. Thus, one quintillionth, or 10-18 (or 1e-18) is the smallest unit: 0.000 000 000 000 000 001
If the above-mentioned shares were tokenized, you could buy just a fraction, for a price accessible to anybody.

Examples of Tokenization

Let’s bring in some simplified examples of businesses that can be tokenized.
Forest: Say, you own a forest or a forest nursery worth $100,000. You need some money, but you don’t want to chop the trees down to sell them because you still want to let them grow to realize a bigger profit later on. You can prepare 100,000 digital tokens, where each token will represent 0.001%, or 1/10,000th of your forest. These tokens will be made available on a platform supporting smart contracts. Typically, these will be ERC-20 tokens on the Ethereum platform. From now on, anybody can buy any share in your forest, with some owning, for example, dozens of trees, and some owning just a fraction or a part of a tree.
Animal farm: You can proceed similarly with your farm animals worth e.g. $1,000,000, emitting 1,000,000 digital tokens, where each token will represent 0.0001%, or 1/100,000th of your farm. Some investors can own 10 cows, some will invest into a fraction of a cow which is easy to do, thanks to tokens.
Manufacturing plant: You can print 1,000,000 (or any other volume) digital tokens, each representing an equivalent part of this production factory. The investors can buy any share in your enterprise, from a big volume, down to a small fraction of your enterprise.
Real estate: You can emit tokens in the volume representing, for example, your office premises. The investors can easily invest into just a few square meters or square feet. Also, you can easily offer just a part of your premises to investors.
These are just a few examples to give you an idea how tokenization can be used. Any type of asset can be tokenized, including funds, equity, real estate, debt, etc. You can probably immediately see how effective this process is, cutting out all the paperwork and intermediaries. On top of that, everything is immutable and transparent on the public blockchain.

Tokenization: Connecting Issuers With Investors

Tokenization bears several advantages that fundamentally improves market access for asset holders and investors. Besides reducing the general costs of issuances, tokenization improves both the access and the attractiveness of assets. Let’s see the advantages both for the issuers and for the investors.

The Benefits of Tokenization for the Company (the Issuer)

All the advantages listed below relate to companies of any size: from large, through middle-sized, to small. The list of benefits is in a random order. Please check which features are the most applicable to and the most important for your business.
Better funding opportunities: Fundraising is a challenge for businesses, and most startups don’t have the resources necessary to raise funds in an IPO, through publicly issued shares. Crowdfunding as an alternative has its own challenges, and could be ineffective without a proper marketing campaign. On the other hand, offering digital tokens of your company could be a smooth and easy way to raise new capital.
Low-cost issuance: Tokenization disintermediates the issuance process, saving you valuable time and resources. The setup fee can start from around $40,000 – depending on the complexity of the project. Tokenization is a clear winner if you compare it with all the requirements to enter a stock exchange.
Digital management: Smart contracts enable digitized shareholder registries, automated reporting and corporate actions.
Fast execution: By standardizing and automating the issuance and management processes, the time to market is cut to a minimum. The whole setup and launch can be done in as little as 10 weeks from the initial assessment.
No intermediaries: Intermediaries, such as brokers, are not needed at all, whereby you save your time, money, and resources. The issuers offer their tokens (digital shares) directly to investors, providing transparent and immutable information.
Fractional ownership: Your assets can be fractionalised without any extra cost. Thanks to that, your assets are available to a large crowd of small investors, whose support can be an advantage for your business. Of course, you can also stipulate a minimum purchase, e.g. 100 or 1,000 tokens or a minimum purchase worth $50, etc.
Transferability: A fully digital infrastructure enables instantaneous and global transfer of asset ownership.
Automation: Many functions can be automated and simplified through the blockchain and smart contracts (computer protocols that enforce specific requirements or actions), cutting out middlemen and manual processes prone to error. With smart contracts, you can fully automate processes, such as distributions of dividends, commissions, waterfalls, etc.
Transparency: Blockchain and smart contracts rule out the asymmetry of information that often exists during the actual transfer of ownership of an asset, making the transaction smooth and transparent.
Immutability: Many businesses and institutions use their own databases with different levels of access for different users (e.g. restricted view on data vs. full view). There’s no mechanism to make this data immutable. On the other hand, blockchain technology adds an immense value into the process: Once an investor makes a transaction on a blockchain (e.g. buys your token), this transaction is immutable; nobody can change it or erase its history. This simplifies any auditing, since it is easy to show that the data has not been changed in any way, reducing time and costs.
24/7/365: Blockchain knows nothing about working hours, thus your tokens and assets are available every single second. Such increased liquidity creates great opportunities for investors.
Employee ownership possibilities: When tokenizing your own business, you can prepare a certain, perhaps a discounted, volume of these tokens for your employees, offering them a partial or fractional ownership in the company where they work. This motivates them to work harder for what’s best for your company, since the success of your business is their success, as well.
Cost savings: Tokenization brings in cost savings in many stages of the process, as we have already seen. What belongs here are for example reduced transaction costs, speed, automation, transferability, transparency, etc.
Your own digital identity: Tokenization gives your business its own unique digital identity, which means a tremendous advantage over your competitors.

Setting Up Tokenization

Of course, the whole process of tokenization has to be set up well, so that everything is smooth and efficient. All the steps have to be executed correctly, for example, the choice of platform, the blockchain infrastructure, compliance with laws and regulations, overcoming roadblocks to investor entry, etc.
In case you need reliable guidance, you can turn to DEXFIN to assist you with the whole process of tokenization.

The Benefits of Tokenization for Investors

Affordability: A token typically has up to 18 decimals. Thanks to this, the assets are available to investors who can make a purchase, starting from a very low amount.
Fractional ownership: The tokenization makes it possible to fractionalise the assets, making it possible for small investors to own just a fraction of their chosen asset.
Diversification: Fractional ownership allows investors to invest into more assets, by which they can easily and effectively diversify their investment portfolio.
Transferability: Since the tokens are digital, they can be easily transferred globally, from any place in the world to any other place in the world.
Rapid settlement: The transactions on blockchain can be completed, verified and checked within minutes after sending.
Low fees: The payments are settled in a matter of minutes, with very low fees.
Transparency: All transactions are immutably recorded on a blockchain that serves as a public ledger. This is an assurance of the utmost transparency.

Tokenize and Thrive

Tokenization brings many benefits to both the issuer and the investor. It is an exciting, fastly developing field, utilizing the most advanced technology. Tokenization allows the creation of a new financial system, that is transparent, efficient, cost-effective, fast and user-friendly. With new players building their infrastructure, tokenization is already a present reality. Mass adoption can be a matter of just a few years. Those who start early on and adapt to this new reality can derive great and lasting benefits from tokenization.
submitted by dexfinplatform to DEXFin [link] [comments]

Need suggestions to improve the security of funds in a non-custodial account which is based on a decentralized platform

I have a 24-word seed from EarnBet ( -an online decentralized casino with which I have a decent amount of $BET staked. I wrote the phrase on a piece of paper. I then decided to write it on a password program like lastpass/keepass. So in order to get into the lastpass, you need a password. And i put the lastpass in dropbox/google drive and store it there. My thought was if someone somehow hacked into my Gmail/dropbox, well they still need the password to my lastpass in order to get into my EarnBet seed. I put the EarnBet seed in there as I type it out along with my other bank account details and other financial information. So I only have the seed written on a piece of paper which I have in the house. But of course, things could happen like fire, floods, etc. So what is the best way to store your seed to prevent this? Did I hear of cryptosteel ( )where it's fireproof and floodproof so that works? But isn't the issue if someone finds it, well it's pretty easy to see oh why is there a bunch of long words and some ppl might even figure out it's the seed of a wallet? Now if you write the seed in a notebook with a ton of stuff there, well that would be hard for someone to find. Imagine like you have a notebook where you have the seed there but also in the first few pages write down like nursery school rhyme or children books and lot of stuff like that, well obviously it won't look like its important. Also, I hear people say that you should break your seed into two or three parts. That makes sense but do you leave all the parts in the same house/apartment? You hear about how you give one half to someone else you trust, you keep the second half. Well what if you no longer see the other person anymore or something happens, then what? Obviously, you would need to immediately send your coins to a temporary wallet in the meantime
submitted by PrincessMcnett to CryptoMarkets [link] [comments]

It had certainly been interesting growing up in the dursley household Harry had only been about 15 months old when their parents passed away

It had certainly been interestin growing up in the dursley household. Harry had been 15 months old When their parents had died fighting, Olivia had only been a few weeks in the nursery before the incident.
In another life, Harry was bundled under the stairs fed 3 square meals a day And ignored mostly. But in this one he was shoved into the same Room as Dudley while Olivia got the 2nd Room to herself the two boys were just a few months away from Outgrowing their cribs after all. And a girl needed a room to herself Even at that age if you asked petunia. Who always wanted a daughter but after a difficult birth with Dudley was informed It was unlikely she could ever have another child.
So On that cold November morning the dursley household went from a single child family to 3 boisterous babies.
The Dursleys still despised magic With the same zealotry That the concept of anything freakish instinctively provoked.
But the punishments for anything unexplained was usually a bit of yelling and a strongly worded reprimand from uncle Vernon or the silent treatment from Aunt petunia. Which usually resulted in Olivia crying, making their uncle extremely uncomfortable and invoking what little cousinly protective instincts Dudley possessed. Olivia had both the dursley men wrapped around her little finger before she could even say the word den.
Petunia had always wanted a daughter so of the 2 Potter children she got the most leeway with her antics and accidental magic something she shared as much as possible with Harry taking the rap for anything overly obvious though the haircutting incident when he had just started 2nd grade was unfortunately completely blamed on him.
Dudley and Harry shared a Room begrudgingly they weren't exactly bosom buddies but the words Harry hunting had never been uttered in the dursley household they were at most polite roommates though Dudley still did get upset when Harry played with his games but he allowed Olivia to use his computer and by extension Harry simply because the older Potter child was perpetually hovering over his sister's shoulder when she was using the machine.
Boredom made older brothers do the strangest things.
Harry got a few presents on his birthday every year usually 7 Because anything less would have Olivia crying again, And that wasn't something Vernon dursley could tolerate for some inexplicable reason. The youngest Potter child had weaponized that particular emotion well before she realized it.
It was something Harry was both grateful for and found mildly irritating.
Olivia thankfully only turned on the water works for a good cause mostly... The only exception really being the time the dursley's we're only going to send Dudley to the adventure camp in the Cotswolds his sister's crying had gotten all 3 of them shipped there for a week one summer when they were 10 and Olivia just about to turn 9.
It was a rather interesting time Dudley had purple hair for most of the trip Harry was responsible for it but remarkably their cousin found it funny since he made quite a few friends out of the magical hair dye job. Any photographs from the adventure park trip were safely hidden in a shoebox under Olivia's bed.
The owls for hogwarts were actually greeted with a bit of screaming but no trip to a remote island Olivia's crying came in handy yet again Harry went to hogwarts with Olivia, Dudley and A reluctant Uncle Vernon to see him off at the station aunt petunia refused to attend for obvious reasons.
Hearing and seeing Vernon dursley jump at the train whistle for the hogwarts express was a memory that would live on in infamy For many later cousin reunions a few decades in the future all of the children had laughed and Dudley had actually climbed on to the express with Harry and Olivia to help store harry's trunk for the journey they had about an hour to kill before it left though Uncle Vernon Called them away back through the entrance to the platform after only 15 minutes and Harry went to find a seat clutching a copy of Casino Royale something Dudley had given him for the journey a rare token of affection from his cousin a gift that wasn't given on his birthday
submitted by pygmypuffonacid to HPfanfiction [link] [comments]

Use Up My Celebrities Please!

All of a sudden I got 4 Celebrities and I really don’t need them right now and need to clear my Lobby! These are the floors I currently have so send over a bit you want to convert-I’ll even convert them to gold if needed!
Food * Airline Food * BBQ Place (Austin BBQ) * Bakery * Burrito Bar (Chip Throttle) * Cheese Shop * Coffee Shop(Stardollars) * Donut Shop * Frozen Yogurt (Blueberry) * Italian Food (Tortellini's) * Pancake House (IJUMP) * Pub (The Blazin Foot) * Scoops (Hotrock Creamery) * Seafood * Shrimp Buffet (Insect Of Da Sea) * Sky Burger * Smoothie Shop (Jumbo Juice) * Sub Shop (Subdirection) * Sushi Bar (Sa Shaymi) * Vegan Food (Eat Mor Chikn)
Retail * Bike Shop (Stay In Ur Lane) * Bling Jewelers * Book Store * Brick Store * Candle Shop * Candy Shoppe * Comic Store * Game Store * Grocery Store * Hat Shop * Joey Bitton * Legit Watches * Mapple Store * Men's Fashion (Small and Short) * Pet Shop * Plant Nursery (Plant N Grow) * Record Shop * Surf Shop * Women's Fashion
Recreation * Aquarium * Arcade * Boxing Gym * Broadway Theatre * Casino * Circus * Comedy Club (Lots of Love) * Golf Sim * Haunted House (House of Terror) * Karaoke Club * Mini Golf * Museum * Night Club (Mood Element) * Park (Middle Park) * Planetarium * Racquetball * Tiger Magic * Volleyball Club (Salt & Pepper) * Wax Museum (Madam Corsage)
Creative * Ad Agency * Art Studio * Cake Studio (Batter Up) * Chocolatier (Billy Bonkas) * Costume Shop * Creative Ink * Dance Studio (Twist & Shout) * Fashion Studio * Floral Studio (Wat In Carnation) * Game Studio * Metal Studio (Heavy Metal) * Photo Studio (Shoot To Thrill) * Pottery Studio (Kilning It) * Soda Brewery * Superhero Lab * TV Studio * Wood Shop (Lumber Hacks)
Service * Bank * Barbershop (Subpar Cuts) * Dentist's Office * Doctor's Office * Doggy Daycare * Fortune Teller (Palm Spirits) * Health Club (Inshape Galaxy) * Laundromat * Law Offices * Pharmacy * Plumber (Drain-Woah) * Recycling * Security Office * Stables * Style Salon * Travel Agency (Travelotiny) * Tutoring Center * Wedding Chapel
submitted by zetadoubleu to tinytower [link] [comments]

Vainel's gold bit giveaway

edit: C L O S E D !

hi! i'm rebuilding at 150 floors and i have so many bits to give away. i'll update the list every time i send some off (including in game requests as well). i'll be sending those who aren't claimed to a variety of storage towers.
you can request as many as you'd like, just tell me your code and name! i'm vainel @ 8CJG2, feel free to add me.
Aquarium x2 Archery range x3 Bakery x2 Bitbook x1 Casino x1 College x1 Comic store x3 Cookie shop x3 Cyber cafe x2 Dentist’s office x3 Device repair x2 Doctor’s office x1 Fabric shop x1 Frozen yogurt x2 Karaoke club x3 Martial arts x3 Metal studio x3 Mexican food x2 Museum x3 Music store x3 Optometrist x2 Pharmacy x3 Plant nursery x3 Plumber x2 Pub x2 Record shop x1 Rock climbing x3 Scoops x3 Shoe store x2 Shrimp buffet x3 Sub shop x3 Tailor x3 Theater x4 Travel agency x1 Video rental x3 
submitted by exquip to tinytower [link] [comments]

Let's make a bunker.

I want to make a bunker if i'm ever rich, so if anyone has anything to add to the list of rooms, feel free to comment below.
  1. The Entrance Hall: Rather showy, decorated with depictions of all the different amenities, and maybe an info-center and gift shop.
  2. Elevator: Self-Explanatory
  3. Living Quarters: A veritable hotel of 1000 or so rooms, ranging from just the basics to Bill Gates level luxuries.
  4. Power Generator: Fairly standard electricity generating complex.
  5. Diner: Both a sit-down restaurant and an order-out service.
  6. Water Treatment Facility: Standard water cleaning facility
  7. Storage Room: Supplies. Nuff said.
  8. Medbay: All your medical needs.
  9. Science Lab: We need progress, not just culturally, but scientifically as well.
  10. Administrator's Office: The state of this room depends on the politics of the bunker. Personally, i'd have it well used yet well maintained.
  11. Radio Center: With internet having gone AWOL, we have to use radios for comms now.
  12. Armory: Enough weapons to make the U.S. army jealous.
  13. Weight Room: Give yourself some killer pecs.
  14. Athletics Room: A gym to improve one's agility
  15. Weapon Labs: To develop more effective ways of dealing with enemies.
  16. School: We need to develop our future's minds.
  17. Tailories: One cannot go around without clothes, so these workers clothe the masses.
  18. Fitness Room: Another gym, this one is more about body maintenance than improvement.
  19. Lounge: A high-end club.
  20. Pawn Shop: Scavvers bring most of their wares here.
  21. Game Room: Board games, Arcade games, Handhelds, it's all here.
  22. Barbershop: Change your hair.
  23. Nuclear Reactor: We have to harness as many different energy sources as possible.
  24. Garden: Where plant based food is grown.
  25. Soda Bottling Plant: Nuclear Fusion Energy Drink, Pura-Cola, and Moon Nectar are the real standouts.
  26. Root Cellar: For drying foods.
  27. Climbing Wall: Need to exhaust your kids?
  28. International Foods: For cultured people.
  1. Bio-fuel distillery
  2. Alcohol Distillery/Brewery
  3. Cybernetics Lab
  4. Gun Range
  5. Morgue
  6. Quarantine Facility
  7. Rodent Farm
  8. VR Library/Entertainment Room
  9. Walk-in Freezer
  1. Nursery:
  2. Recycling Center:
  3. School / Training Room:
  4. Security Room: guard room with monitors
  5. Seed Vault:
  6. Waste Processing Center:
  7. Work Shop: Place to build or repair anything that you might need.
  8. Drone Control Room: why send people up to the surface when you can have drones / robots do the work.
Inspired by The_Mad_Doctor's idea
46: Pets room
More of my own ideas.
  1. Canteen: Free food for poor people.
  2. Museum: To display old world artifacts that are now obsolete.
  3. Cowboy Bar: Strong booze and Mechanical bulls.
50: Perimeter Defense: Mines, Turrets, traps, and other things to protect the bunker.
51: Bakery: Self-explanatory
52: Party Room: Similar to those rooms in Bowling Alleys.
53: Homebrew: Well, we need to produce the booze somehow...
54: Dentistry
55: Furniture Depot
56: Archives: Countless pieces of data were collected before the war by a preservation society
57: Tunnels: The tunnels leading to the nearby abandoned subways and sewers.
58: Calendar Room: A bit like the clocks in the pentagon.
59: Modern Kitchen: For those who want to cook.
60: Casino: A bit like Mario Party actually.
61: Nursing Home: For those who need added assistance.
62:Antiques: A normal pawnshop, unlike the actual place labelled "Pawnshop"
63: Distillery: Different kind of alcohol then the Homebrew.
64: Treasure Hunting Club: Yeah, some people hunt for rare old world items.
65: Pharmacy
66: Band Hall: For aspiring musicians.
67: Video Games: A place for devving new ones.
68: Air Circulation: We need to breathe underground.
69: Comms Room
70: Blackout Room: To keep the power running.
71: Wardrobe: Communal Clothing
72: Panic Rooms
73: Firestation
74: Firearms Center: For selling, buying, and making guns
75: Hydroponic Garden
76: Shoemaking: Self-Explanatory
77: Water Tank
78: Coffee Joint
79: Alarm Room: Like perimeter defense, except more about warning than warding.
80: Basement: Specific Housing
81: Movie Studios
82: Survival Training
83: Simulated Island
84: Brix House (The Lego House in Denmark and a Functioning Brix Factory)
85: Anti-Corruption Office
86: Music Hall
87: Robotics Factory
88: Submarine Bay
89: Orphanage
90: Luxury Goods Market
91: Butchery
92: Shady Club
93: Embassy
94: Nostalgia Market
95: Squatting Houses
96: Computer Lab
97: CDC
98: Puppet Theater
99: Underground Jungle
100: Cloning Labs
Unknown HUN
101: Various Chokepoints
submitted by RebelTheAnomaly to postapocalyptic [link] [comments]

Monday Goldbitz Giveaway

Request many, and request often, but please just what is on the list! Also feel free to request a few randoms. I also fill in game request with gold bitz so keep those relevant!
The list below will be updated regularly unless stated as closed.
Please pay a visit in return to C7W36 and/or C7B6T.
Last updated 8th June, ~1am GMT.
submitted by Mellos2000 to tinytower [link] [comments]

Summer 2019 funny dialogues compilation (Part 3)

Hi all :) In these posts I’ll be sharing some of the fun bits of dialogues from the Swimsuit Swordsmasters summer event. They are mostly short and fun exchanges between the characters that you can enjoy reading along with the summaries of the chapters that you can find down here.
Here are the summaries of the Las Vegas summer event from last year, done by various good souls. With the exception of the translations by pplovesk and shinyklefkey , most of these were summarized by Itqan Madani on their Facebook. They used to be posted on reddit by kakarot12310 but since the posts have been removed for some reason I'll link directly to Itqan Madani instead.
Main chapter summary part 1
Main chapter summary part 2
Main chapter summary part 3
Main chapter summary part 4
Main chapter summary part 5
Main chapter summary part 6
Main chapter summary part 7
Main chapter summary part 8
Main chapter summary part 9, and part 10. Alternative summary with additional tidbits by pplovesk.
Main chapter summary part 11 alternative summary with additional translation of the final boss’ dialogues and fun tidbits by pplovesk.
Extra: Drive in Las Vegas
Extra: Fun Jet Tennen Rishin-ryū
Extra: Losers’ Lullaby
Extra: Gambling Saint
Extra: Playing With The Weather (featuring QSH and Iskandar) by shinyklefkey.

Part 1 here.

Part 2 here.

Cirque du Requin

The cute little play that goes in the beginning of Cirque du Requin:
Mephi: In Patchwork London, what unfolds before us is the story of three happy little girls. Now then, I wonder I wonder. What clutches of evil await these little ones? What is this that they deeply wish for? We hope you’d enjoy yourself until the very end!
Mephi: Oh yeah I forgot. This goes without saying but no recording allowed okay? (he then screams “there are no dreams” but I don’t really get what the hell that’s about)

Rhyme: Let’s step, let’s kick, and dance away! (errr, kick-step dance?) No matter how you do it, you’ll end up in the pot all the same!
Lily: Mister Dolphin, oh Mister Dolphin, what did you see that made you bounce? What did you see that made you howl? I don’t understand a word you’re saying!
Reese: (queck queck!)
Rhyme: Does everyone bring chocolate with you? Mine and yours and Mister Dolphin’s, we have in total 3 pieces! Now let’s go on a picnic, all the way to the moon!

Uncle Napnap: Wow wow, hold up there you two. No matter how you think about it, walking from here all the way to the moon is no easy journey! If you give me a piece of choc, I’ll take you to the end of the moon, so how about it?
The girls: Please take us, pretty please! Please take us to the moon right away!
Uncle Napnap: Then off you two go, quick, get inside my cannon! It’ll be a hell of a show, kaboom!, just like that! Now, let’s go! ARC DE TRIOMPHE DE L’ETOILE! (fwoosh~!)

Rhyme: Huh? I wonder if this is really the moon? Aren’t there supposed to be rabbits on the moon! There are no rabbits here, as the matter of fact there is not a single chicken feather to be found!
Ishtar: Myyyy, my my my. What a shame, what a shame! Because this is actually Venus. Looks like you girls got your cannon trajectory all wrong! I get a lot of stray kids like you around here, so I give you my dearest welcome! Of course, I welcome you, as an addition to my labor force!
Lily: No way!
Ishtar: Hehehe, you’re not going to the moon or anywhere else. You’re going to slave away here forever!
Automata: Labor, labor, labor is fun, and labor is happiness. You’ll find your happiness in absolutely nothing but labor.

Rhyme: This is bad, this is really bad! We have been doing nothing but harsh labor all this time! But we have no cannons here, and dumb dumb Napnap is not with us anymore! Have we no ways left to go to the moon?
Ibachin: Wut wut, wut’s all the fuzz. You want to me to take you to the moon to play there, is that it? If you gimme a piece of choc, I’ll send you flying to the moon with double the fanfare!
Lily: Then I’ll give you my chocolate! Please take us to the moon safe and sound!
Ibachin: Worry not, worry not. Om nom nom. (TRANSFORM!) So yummy! Now get ready, for the great firework of Mount Ooe shall blast you off to the moon! Let’s go! ENCOMIUM MORIAE! (boom!)

Rhyme: We made it! My my, I wonder if this is the moon?
Artemis: Yep yep. You got that right. An oh-so-much-fun dreamy lunar world is waiting for you up ahead! But do you bring chocolate with you? If you have only one piece, I cannot allow more than a single person to enter the lunar world, you know?
Rhyme: My, I can’t believe this! I have no choco left!
Lily: Then it cannot be helped. Please let Rhyme in. I will stay here. Nursery, enjoy the lunar world okay?
Rhyme: My my, how could I do such a thing! If Jeanne won’t go then I’ll stay with her too. We’ll return to the pot together!
Lily: Mister Dolphin? Why are you holding up the chocolate?
Reese: (bites!)
The girls: Ah! The piece is broken up!
Orion: Hmm hmm hmph! Not bad, Dolphin! Now the chocolate has been broken up into two pieces. Now there is no problem right, Artemis?
Artemis: Yep yep, things are peachy now. Let’s take them to the lunar world.
Rhyme: Thank you, thank you so much Mister Dolphin!
Reese: (happy noises)

Rhyme: This picnic is so much fun! But I wonder if there is something missing?
Lily: You too Nursery? I also think we’re missing somebody!
Rhyme: That’s right, it’s that girl! This won’t do, we must return to the pot at once!
Lily: You’re right. If we want to play in the lunar world, we can always bring chocolate with us and return tomorrow!
Rhyme: Let’s bring a whole lot! For dumb dumb Napnap, for meanie Ishtar, for chomp chomp Ibachin, and of course for Mister Dolphin too! Let’s have a picnic with everybody!

Jack: Daddy, daddy! Please listen to our request!
Sanson: Oh dear, what could it be my little angels?
The girls: We want to be taken to the moon! So give us lots and lots of chocolate, pretty please!

Sieg: Let’s register first. Oh, you there, got a moment?
Marie: Welcome to Cirque du requin! Oh my, oh my oh my. You guys are here to have a Swimsuit Swordsmaster duel right?
Gudao: yep.
Hokusai replies with her usual MUST BECOME BEST MIZUGI KENGOU stuff.
Marie: Actually, you need the Challenge Letter first... but well, a mock fight is fine too! Since there haven’t been a lot of challengers lately, Jeanne has been lonely. But please wait a lil bit. If the little guy is hungry, it could get messy!
Everybody at the same time: The little guy? Gudao: Who??
Marie: well, since Jeanne has been strict on him, I think it’ll be fine!
(In Jeanne’s room)
Jeanne: giggles there there, good boy. Looks like another challenger has come. Let’s do our best!
(Outside) Marie: Jeanne! Is now a good time?
Jeanne: Coming Marie! What’s the matter?
Marie: You got a challenger, I brought em to your room! How’s his tummy?
Jeanne: He ate a whole lot earlier so I think he’s peppy!
Hoku: I dunno what they’re on about but I’m getting strange chills, maybe this is a bad idea. N-No, if I get cold feet here how can I ever call myself an Edokko! Hereeee I Co-
(Door opens) Jeanne: Morning!
An actual, floating shark: Playtime.
Hoku: -mee.......
(Everybody freezes for 5 seconds)
Jeanne: Welcome to Cirque du Requ- hu-huh?
Marie: Jeanne, everybody ran.
Jeanne: No way... why do all my challengers run back as soon as they arrive here!
Marie: Maybe it’s the little guy, no...?
Jeanne: Whatchu mean, he’s cute as a button no? My Reese XP.
Reese XP (an actual, floating shark): Playtime.
Marie: Yeah, I think he’s super cute too! (Srsly Marie??) You agree Deon?
Deon: I stand by my right to give no comments, Your Highness!
Jeanne & Marie: Eeeeh~
Deon: Why are you two tilting your heads at me!
Oh, so Jeanne continues to hypnotize people into her slav- siblings it seems. And still with her fists.
Jeanne: Jeez. What’s with the sour face. You’ll make your sister sad okay? ...that’s right. I’m not a holy woman here.
Melt: My. Then what could you be?
Jeanne: Yep, I’m Gudao-kun’s... BIG SIS!
Melt: I see, big sis. ...biggu sissu? Errr... what are you talking about. You’re a Heroic Spirit right? A Servant right? Not someone from Japan right?
Sieg: What’s wrong Master. Your face is pale...
Gudao: I HAVE A FEELING THAT PERSON WAS MY BIG SIS! (Yep it’s a continuation of that Summer 3 node where Jeanne hypnotized Jalter and Lily into her slav- siblings. WITH HER FISTS)
Musashi: Huh, big sis. Hoku: Uh huh, big sis.
Everybody: BUT WHY DOU
Jeanne: Jeez, you sis is sadface desu. I never thought my brother’d be my opponent! But unfortunately, there is no way out of this. You will learn that lil brothers can never win against big sisters, with that body of yours errrrrrrr I mean with my gentle teachings!
Okkie: I think I just heard her true intention in full open just now! We’re in deep shit, she’s the same type as MechaEli-chan! 😭
Convo with Orion:

Artemis: Oh, you plan to challenge Jeanne, right?

Orion: Be careful. With Jeanne, and also with that shark. (sobs) Even though that chick looks to be perfectly within my strike zone… it’s like, my head keeps flashing warnings like “no touchy, that chick is totally bad news”… Just like the first time I met Artemis! Just like the first time I met Artemis! No shit, my brain actually repeated twice like that, purely for emphasis.

Sieg: I see now. However, mind if I have a question, Lord Orion?

Orion: wut?

Sieg: Why did that warning let Lord Artemis pass the radar?

Artemis: D A R-L I N G ?

Orion: EEKKK! Man it’s been a while since the last time we had this kinda conversation!

Artemis: Yeah we haven’t been doing our comedy routine in a while. THEN HOW ABOUT I LET YOU HAVE A TASTE OF MY “LUNATIC BEAM” RIGHT NOW?

Orion: That’s your biggest gun ain’t it! E M P L E H!!! (he’s then promptly squeezed into silence)

Also, in the end of the node when Gudao is about to snap back into his ANE trance, Melt whips him out of it with a move called “Comfy Mystic Sword Gisele.” Aww, even when she’s being sadistic she still goes gentle on us, what a sweetie.

You are about to ask Kintoki to help level-upping Public Decency Raikou’s motherhood when a monster suddenly shows up on the street; looks like Tamamo’s glamor has leaked out too much, so somehow a magical beast has turned into an enemy.

Kinbro: No way around this, we’ll just have to talk after I’m done teaching this guy how to behave! Hmm? Waita minute. Isn’t this pattern where we’re supposed to do “that?” This is our chance to say that line, ain’t it!

Gudao: Excuse me!

Kinbro: Hey, don’t you bastards dare start fighting before we do this, okay!

Monsters: (actually play along and nod)

Kinbro: Alright! Here we goooooo!

Gudao: But we were just in the middle of talking!


Hoku: …what black magic is this?

Musashi: I have absolutely no clue either, but it’s like some kinda token word that feels good when you say it!

(then you fight a Hawaiian chicken that is named “Wyvern?”)

Kintoki’s reaction to our plan with Raikou:
Kinbro: That’s a dangerous gamble you’re making, Master. Right now general Raikou’s power is that of a Public Decency Chairwoman. If you up her motherhood attribute, she might just go back to being a Zerk. But as a Berserker, she’ll definitely say things like “it’s absurd to let my son (read: Master) do something like fighting a shark!” and turn this summer break into a mountain of homework.
Tamamo: What, are you still in elementary school or something? >_>
How Tamamo goes about pushing Raikou’s button:

Raikou: …I see. You’re telling me you want to defeat the Swimsuit Swordsmaster Servants.

Kinbro: Exactly, General Raikou.

Raikou: I do wish to assist you very much… but to begin with, the fact that this Swimsuit Swordsmaster tournament exists, itself is indecent. All of you, be good children and stay where you are. As one who upholds public decency, I shall put an end to everything by myself.

Kinbro: Nah nah nah. Then it would be pointless. It won’t mean a damn if Master himself doesn’t participate properly in the tourney, you see?

Raikou: But… (poor woman, worrying about her son gawking at swimsuits 😭)
Tamamo: Now now. Master, won’t you just let Raikou-san handle everything for us?

Raikou: Whu- Ah, you’re… Tamamo no Mae! Among the list of indecent Servants, you’re the biggest offender…!

Tamamo: You got that right. With that said, we’ll leave eeeeeeeverything to you okay, Raikou-san? Meanwhile, me and Master will enjoy our vacation to our hearts’ content! Hurry hurry Master. First, let’s us take a dip in the pool. After swimming, we’ll rub sun oil for each other, massage each other, clean ears for each other… (no shit I would clean Tamamo’s ears, those fluffs look too damn soft!)

Raikou: HOLD IT RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM!! D-Do you think I would allow such things! Banned! Each and every one of them is banned!

Tamamo: Huh~ But you see~ If Raikou-san can allow yourself to get so worked up, why can’t you cut Master some slack too?
Raikou: That’s…! But, uh, I mean… umm… (sobs ༼ಢ_ಢ༽)
Gudao: (Kinbro...! / Should we really be bullying her like this…!?)

Kinbro: (This might be mean-spirited, but at times like this, you must bring out your inner oni, Master!)

Tamamo: C’mon c’mon. Won’t you spend your summer days indulging in oozing sweetness with this onee-san? <3

Kinbro: (You’re something, Fox… no matter how you look at this, it’s a deadly honeytrap, but deep within your eyes there ain’t a speck of a smile… Is this the real nature of a courtesan?... no wait, Fox did claim that she had nothing to do with courtesan stuff…) (yes this is a reference to Daji)

Then after the plan has succeeded…

Hoku: Yep. I’m still an amateur but I have faced some real deals. I’m getting better at this swordsman business.

Raikou: That’s wonderful. However… from examining the battle just now, there is still redundancy in your swordplay. On the way to the hotel, I’ll teach you a couple of tricks on how to deal with onis and ogres.
Tamamo: Wow there I’m catching bad vibes so this is where Tamamo-chan will be showing herself out! (whispers closely) If you do need a breather, you can come to my room at any time <3 Well, see ya!

Mashu: Senpai senpai… just what kind of things did Tamamo-san just say to you? Ah, you turned your face away! Senpaaai, senpaaaaaaai!

Since Mephis thinks it’s a waste to just let a ridiculous duel like us trying to fight back brainwashing big sis, he comes up with an equally wacky storyline for us to act as a play while actually dueling. So this is it.

Mephi: Tonight, our story is a tall tale of swindlers. It’s about the amusing life of a man who proclaims to have severed the Italian peninsula and attached it to Greece… Now then, please enjoy!

Roma: …Oh? I see.
Gudao: Though it may sound very painful, this is totally the will of God.
Roma: Very well. No matter the place, no matter if it’s in Greece, Roma is Roma. I too am Roma. Severing the peninsula too, is Roma.

Hector: Wut, the Italian peninsula is coming over to play? I mean, whatever floats your boat, man. Ah, but what will we do about the taxes? They’ll probably make us pay won’t they.

Citizen A: Hey folks have you heard! Looks like they’re gonna chopped off our entire peninsula and attach it to Greece!
B: Now ain’t that something! If we become Italian, we’ll get to climb Mount Olympus!
A: Kudos! Kudos! Kudos to the folks who are chopping off our peninsula!

Hoku: Yep we’re totally doing it! The king has given us a go. Now all we have to do is to lop this peninsula’s head clean off! I can’t wait, I just can’t wait. This is exactly why I love scams and swindles!
Jeanne: Wow there, I won’t let you have you way, my lil brother! If you cut off this peninsula, there will be a giant boot floating over the Mediterranean Sea. I won’t allow you to make a boot island appear out of nowhere! As your big sis I must put a stop to your scheme no matter what, as a your big sis I repeat! Hey, don’t you two agree!?
Lily: Yeah! Only bad people do scams and swindles. Even Bunyan knows that if you lie, your nose will grow!
Jalter: tbh I’d rather be on that side. Welp, at the moment I’m here tho. So be a good boy and obey your sisters!
Gudao: (I knew it, these two are brainwashed too…!)
Actually, there are a couple of funny parallels between the “Family Flag” node in Summer 3 and this part of Summer 4. FYI the thing with Jeanne brainwashing people into her slaves siblings has been going on since Summer 3, with Jeanne trying to claim Gudao as the newest member of the “Jeanne siblings” while Jalter and Lily tried to stop her delusion from going out of hands (spoiler: they failed).

Summer 3:

Jalter: Listen here, “Master-chan.” When it has come to this, you must toughen your heart and firmly reject her rambling. If you don’t you’re just allowing her to come up with some crazier delusions!
Lily: Oh no, even the me who should be clean and proper has gone kooky under Luluhawa heat… I knew it, winter! Winter has got to be the best! Please come early, winter!
Jeanne: What should I do, my lil brother. I didn’t think they would catch on so slowly. There is no helping it, I guess I’ll just have to resort to persuasion (read: my fist).

(she changes into her dolphin coach swimsuit and Reese also appropriately appears. It still floats in the air, of course.)
Lily: Yay, it’s Mister Dolphin! How do you do, Mister Dolphin!
Reese: (shows a jaw full of teeth)
Lily: It’s scary when the mouth opens!
Jalter: What are you doing there Lily! This whackjob is planning to brainwash us with her fist! Fight her now or else Master will become our little brother!
(after the fight)
Jalter: (dejected) You’re my brother.
Lily: Yay! Even though I’m the youngest child I got a little brother now!
(...and the morning after)
Jalter: Wait, now I remember! You’re not my little brother, right!?
Lily: Yeah, Master is my older brother!
Gudao: (The brainwashing effect still hasn’t cleared…)

Summer 4:

Jeanne: Grrr…! It’s not over yet! Go, Reese XP!
Reese XP: ME – WANT – PLAY.
Lily: To be honest, even if it’s my ally I’m still scared…
Jalter: I’m more scared of a crazy big sister tho.
(...and after the fight)
Jeanne: What a… humiliating defeat…! I am... not… your big sister…!
Gudao: Of course you’re not my big sister!
Jalter: Ah… now that you remind me! This woman is not my big sister!
Lily: I knew it… the summer heat is making us hallucinating…!
Jeanne: Ugh… I can’t believe that… that you’re not my blood-related little brother…!
Gudao: She’s still not giving up!
And that's all I wanna do for this event. There is a bit during Casino Camelot where Fergus is so horny but the girls ignore him to sail their yuri ship so he’s like “a Medjed is fine too” but it’s not as ridiculous as the previous casinos so I’ll pass on translating any more.
Anniversary and Summer 2020 are coming and I have no quartz left, truly the worst roastbelt _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):
submitted by squashyVN to grandorder [link] [comments]

Scotland - Current advice as of 2020-09-28

Scotland is currently on phase 3 of the route map for coming out of lockdown. Rules in England, Ireland and Wales differ.
Generally, You should:

What is open?

All retail and hospitality business are allowed to open, but pubs, bars and restaurants must close at 10pm.
Sports and leisure facilities are now allowed to open. Professional sports can take place behind closed doors. Live drive-in events can take place, and certain outdoor live events with correct measures. Other leisure facilities such as bingo, casinos and bowling alleys can re-open.
Theatres and Live music venues cannot currently open.
Primary, Secondary, Special schools, Nurseries are all now open. Universities and colleges are being advised to take a hybrid approach to teaching, but accomodation is open in most cases.
All environments must have rules for social distancing, etc.

Who can you meet with?

Up to six people from 2 different households outside or in a restaurant/pub.
Alternatively, Six 12-17 year olds can meet without a household limit, but must physically distance.
You can't meet people inside their house. If you meet them in their garden, only go in to use the bathroom.
Also see 'extended households' below.

What else?

You must wear a face mask in retail and hospitality environments, unless you are exempt. This includes when not sitting at your table in a restaurant, etc.
You should not car share with people outside your own household/extended household. If unavoidable, follow this advice
Those who were previously shielding can follow the same advice as everyone else.
You can travel anywhere in Scotland to visit friends and family, as long as you meet them outside/in a restaurant.
Some care homes and hospitals are starting to accept visitors, check with them.
An extended household is defined as 2 households joined together to form a single household. They can consist of
This is a briefer interpretation of guidance from the site and is up to date as of the time of posting. If you're a business owner or travelling from another country please consult the guidance directly.
submitted by tcmalloc to CurrentCoronaAdvice [link] [comments]

Monday Gold Bit Giveaway

GIVEAWAY IS CLOSED Ad Agency x2 Art Studio x1 Auto Dealer x2 Bakery x1 Billiard Hall x1 Bitbook x1 Book Store x1 Burrito Bar x1 Casino x1 Cookie Shop x1 Dance Studio x1 Doctor’s Office x1 Fabric Shop x1 Game Store x1 Golf Sim x1 Grocery Store x1 Italian Food x1 Karaoke Club x1 Mapple Store x1 Men’s Fashion x1 Metal Studio x2 Model Trains x1 Music Store x3 Photo Studio x1 Pizza Place x1 Plant Nursery x1 Sculpting x1 Shoe Store x2 Space Museum x2 Surf Shop x1 Tech Store x2 Tourist Trap x1 TV Studio x1
submitted by huntheatATL to tinytower [link] [comments]

D1000 rooms for Draven Manor

A haunted mansion with a twist, it was touched by the shrouded king, an inter-dimensional being of darkness, now the mansion acts as a pocket dimension with seemingly infinite rooms, and phases through time and space, having been photographed before it was technically created....
Feel free to throw in as many horror references as physically possible.
  1. Foyer
  2. Parlor
  3. Anteroom
  4. Wardrobe
  5. Balcony
  6. Study
  7. Master Bedroom
  8. Nursery'
  9. Graveyard
  10. Boneyard
  11. Bathroom
  12. Washroom
  13. Conservatory
  14. Storage
  15. Kitchen
  16. Dining Room
  17. Ballroom
  18. Laundry Room
  19. Butler's Room
  20. Hidden Room
  21. Fortune Teller's Room
  22. Mirror Room
  23. Projection Room
  24. Billiards Room
  25. Courtyard
  26. Rec Room
  27. Nana's Room
  28. Tea Room
  29. Astral Room
  30. Observatory
  31. Twins' Room
  32. Safari Room
  33. Ceramics Studio
  34. Armory
  35. Clockwork Room
  36. Telephone Room
  37. Art Studio
  38. Sitting Room
  39. Guest Room
  40. Sealed Room
  41. Well
  42. Secret Altar
  43. Pipe Room
  44. Cold Storage
  45. Breaker Room
  46. Cellar
  1. Sauna
  2. Indoor pool
  3. Broom closet
  1. Sewing room
  2. Library
  3. Boiler room
  4. Surgery room
  5. Greenhouse
  6. Pantry
  7. Morgue
  8. Exercise room
  9. Room just for a certain kind of pet (Google 'tarantula room')
  10. Game room
  11. Cell
  12. Woodshop
  13. Swimming pool
  14. Panic room
  15. Padded cell
  16. Torture chamber
  17. Alchemy lab
  18. Doll room
  19. Elevator
  20. Darkroom (like for developing photographs)
  21. Mail room
  1. The lotion room: Dozens if glass shelves hold hundreds bottles of lotion. Footsteps are muffled against the leather floor. The walls are made of living skin hidden behind thin wood panels which fold out of the way like shutters.
  2. The crime scene: A manikin lies motionless inside of a chalk outline. The decor is that of a seedy motel. Flies buzz lazily, crawling in and out of the the sink’s plumbing. Upon inspection a few strands of hair are found in the drain. If you pull them they slide out, slimy and damp, attached to a piece of scalp.
  3. The powder donut: a room with opulent furnishings. Overstuffed chairs and sofa’s welcome visitors. If sat upon, they release a white cloud. Poison? Mold? Anthrax? Powdered sugar? Mites? Only time will tell the effects.
  4. Abandoned room: all the furniture is covered in sheets. If lifted, nothing but dust is found under the cover.
  5. Throne Room
  6. Child’s bedroom
  7. Child’s playroom
  8. Tinkerer’s workshop
  9. Model train room (or world equivalent)
  10. Wood working room
  11. Warehouse storeroom
  12. Dangerous material storage
  13. Pastry kitchen (completely separate from normal kitchen)
  14. Smoke room (for curing meat)
  15. Walk-in closet full of fancy costumes
  16. Emergency supply room (full of water, fire suppressant, weapons, gas masks, and similar. Think prepper)
  17. Room of magically useless curiosities
  18. Statue room (full of statue figures)
  19. Portrait room (full of portraits)
  20. Sculpture room (not figures, more artistic)
  21. Room of stone where everything is made of marble
  22. Golden room (painted or real you decide)
  23. Peacock room (like the famous irl one, beautiful room that was decorated to match the gorgeous painting of peacocks that spans the entirety of the wall and ceiling
  24. Phoenix room (see peacock room, but Phoenix themed.)
  25. Mirrored room
  26. Cozy sitting room (fireplace and hot coco with marshmallows at the ready)
  27. Window room (each window shows a completely different view)
  28. Room filled with sand
  29. Bathroom with dead woman in bathtub (the shining)
Edit: more stuff
  1. Junk room
  2. Tower room
  3. Room of illusion (everyone inside appears to grow either horns or wings, mess with your party as you choose)
  4. Pentagram room
  5. Laboratory
  6. Medical wing
  7. Furnace room
  8. Crematorium
  9. Mausoleum
  10. Embalming room
  11. Padded cell
  12. Suspiciously Empty room
  13. Tavern
  14. Classy bar (like a five star hotel)
  15. Maid’s quarters
  16. Swimming pool
  17. Inhabited swimming pool
  18. Locker room
  19. Movie/play theater
  20. Backstage
  21. Loft
  22. Crawl space
  23. Call center
  24. Scroll room
  25. Interior of Pyramid
  26. Exterior of pyramid inside larger room
  27. Mummy’s Tomb
  28. Automaton room
  29. Trash compactor
  30. Control room
  31. Incubator room
  32. Apothecary
  33. Pharmacy
  34. Waiting room
  35. Stables
  36. Gymnasium
  37. Weight room
  38. Sewing room
  39. Glass cube room (think cabin in the woods)
  40. Rustic Cabin room
  41. Basement
  42. Earthquake room (you feel an earthquake with inside it, but the rest of the house in undisturbed)
  43. Room full of Fragile vases
  44. Room full of cut Flowers
  45. Room with one bloody handprint in the center of the floor
  46. Room with bed (bed has rumpled sheets and is warm to the touch)
  47. Room full of cats
  48. Room with axe stuck in door
  49. Room with typewriter and desk, papers with gibberish written on them are scattered over the floor
  50. Freezer
  51. Room with walls that are made of tree bark. Red sap oozes from it when touched. Smells of pine and mold. Mushrooms grow in patches
  52. Room full of moldy dead rats (perhaps an later temporal space of the live rat room, may seem eerily familiar if they have encountered the living rat room first)
  53. Living rat room: Room of food barrels, when disturbed, rats pour fourth (perhaps an earlier temporal space of the dead rat room, may seem eerily familiar if they have encountered the dead rat room first)
  54. Cheese room

  1. Masonry workshop
  2. Museum
  3. Reliquary
  4. Barracks
  5. Stables
  6. Menagerie
  1. Attic
  2. Boiler Room
  3. Catacombs
  4. Coach House
  5. Darkroom (photography)
  6. Furnace room
  7. Mad Science Laboratory
  8. Music Room
  9. Root Cellar
  10. Safe Room / Panic Room
  11. Sub Basement
  12. Summoning Room
  13. Torture Chamber
  14. Walk in Closet
  1. Torture Room
  2. Wine cellar with wine press and some bloody rags scattered around the press
  3. Brewery
  4. Golem Workshop
More of my own ideas
178: Dinosaur Containment Units
179: Submarine Bay
180: Western Bank
181: Underground Temple
182: Puppet Theater
183: Agency
184: 80's Room
185: Criminal Hideout
186: Comic Fan's Room
187: Wizarding World Room
188: Space Station
189: Pirate Ship
190: DnD Room
191: Escape Room
192: Slasher's Collection
193: Art Cabin
194: Antidote Lab
195: Motel Rooms
196: Board Game Room
197: Wax Museum
198: Casino
199: Gore Fountain
200: Murderous Little Girl's Room
201: King's Crypt
202: Lurker's Room
203: Skeleton Band Room
204: Spider's Nest
205: Witch's Kitchen
206: Ghoul Stairs
207: Mad Scientist's Collection
208: Library of Spells
209: Gothic Dining Room
210: Fog Room
211: Potion Shop
212: Bone Web
213: Redneck's Shed
214: Indoor Beach
215: Hellish Labyrinth
216: Wedding Chapel
217: Ballet Stage
218: Fun House
219: Castle Gallery
220: Moon Pavilion
221: Psycho Cinema
222: Suburban Garden
223: Racist Club
224: Bloody Playroom
225: VRcade
226: Tribal Arts
227: Robotics Room
228: Funerary Storage
229: Slasher's Wardrobe
230: Ski Lounge
231: Vampire's Crypt
232: Seaside Knick Knack Shop
233: Tree Farm
234: Mutant Bunker
235: Demonic Book-Building Workshop
236: Alien Nest
237: Medieval Gallery
238: Scarecrow Shed
239: Cabin Cellar
240: Room in Tarps
241: Dog's Room
242: Puppet Workshop
243: Candy Shop
244: Post-Apocalyptic Room
245: Christmas Hall
246: Fleece Room
247: Playground
248: Giant Cake
249: Cannery
250: Room Under Construction
251: Moth Light
252: Fiendish Kennels
253: Sheep Tents
254: Alien Court
255: Railway
256: Bunny Bridge
257: Funeral Home
258: Squatter's Warehouse
259: Algae Pond
260: Civil War Battlefield
261: Dollhouse
262: Vampire Party Hall
263: Daughter's Crypt
264: Doghouse
265: Writer's Room
266: Cloning Lab
267: Electrocution Chamber
268: Corpse Pit
269: Boarded Room
270: Snake Island
271: Fossil Cave
272: Arctic Crater
273: Surgical Theater
274: Chemical Silo
275: Psychic Test Center
276: Spider Den
277: Old Aviary
278: Black Magic Strip Club
279: Witch's Warehouse
280: Ancient Egyptian Tomb
281: Pumpkin House
282: Giant Snow Globe
283: Deer Cult
284: Giant's Home
285: Snake Pit
286: Reanimation Lab
287: Reptilian City
288: Drinking Lodge
289: Twin Girls' Room
290: Ancient Altar
291: Asylum Cell Block
292: Vomit Covered Room
293: Time Machine
294: Shaman's Tent
295: Locker Room with steroids in one of the lockers
296: Room of Shadows
297: Elder Brain
298: Giant Board Game
299: Dark Shed
300: Revolutionary Exhibit
301: Limacology Labs
302: Broken Stables
303: Gator Shack
304: Ant's Nest
305: Apehouse
306: Rich Cat Lover's Room
307: Insect House
308: Tengu Shrine
309: Rodents Room
310: Inside a Genie's Lamp
311: Insect Study
312: Reptile Room
313: Parasite Storeroom
314: Athena's Shrine
315: Frog Library
316: Ruined Date
317: Gladiatorial Arena
318: Simulated Haunted House
319: Gorilla House
320: Death Cult
321: A laboratory that looks as though people left in a hurry...
322: A medical room that seems as though someone died here.
323: Japanese VHS Enthusiast's Apartment
324: Prison of the Deformed
325: Room of Stretchers
326: Oni's Hut
327: Mongolian Tents
328: Room of Cloaks
329: Gothic Party
330: Pteradactyl Enclosure
331: Carnivorous Greenhouse
332: Rabid Kennels
333: Space Hangar
334: Hatchet Shed
335: Indoor Swamp
336: Room of Smoke
337: Old Man's Room
338: Murdered Child's Room
339: Weaboo's Room
340: Snuff Studio
341: Warlord's Tent
342: Gamer's Parlor
343: Tentacle Pools
344: Toll Bridge
345: Headhunter's Camp
346: Sugar Mill
347: "Vaginal Torture" Room
348: Dermatology Room
349: Volcanic Room
350: Nile Tomb
351: Farmer's Children's' Room
352: Infant's Play Room
353: Room of Flames
354: Innsmouth Pawn
355: Rabbit Room
356: Maternity Ward
357: Steampunk Workshop
358: Minotaur's Labyrinth
359: Goth Girl's Room
360: Serkhet's Shrine
361: Irish Washerwoman's Room
362: Wild West Shooting Gallery
363: Medusa's Garden
364: Room of Decapitated Heads
365: Toxic Barrel Storeroom
366: Alien Specimens Room
367: Fishing Shack
368: Sushi Farm
369: Shark Bay
370: Alien Plant Cave
371: Butchery
372: Exterminator's Room
373: Elliot's Room
374: Magic Theater
375: Pirate Ship
376: Surgical Bay
377: Viking Long Ship
378: Hag's Barn
379: Vampire Garden
380: Enchantress' Room
381: Mutant Bug Arena
382: Clown Toyshop
383: Underworld Gate
384: Arctic Labs
385: Padded Cell (Someone escaped from it)
386: Gym Supplies
387: Virginial Garden
388: College Library
389: Sex Room filled with Plushies for some unknown reason...
390: Weed Farm
391: Security Office
392: Horror Movie Studio
393: Gadgets Lab
394: Office Cubicles
395: Break Room
396: Superstitious Woman's Room
397: Sexy Nurse's Office
398: Rest Stop
399: Room of Old Dolls
400: Reveren's Room
401: Parental Room
402: Sex Dungeon
403: Escape Room
404: Hoard
405: A.I. Room
406: Technovault
407: Staffroom
408: Ritual Room
409: Hellish Stripclub
410: Criminal's Apartment
411: Military Kennels
412: Femme Fatale's Room
413: Brine Reef
414: Decrepit Police Office
415: Skeletal Ballroom
416: Murder Circus
417: Wolf Den
418: Sulfuric Pit
419: Tribal Room with Snakes
420: Zombie Outpost
421: Law Firm
422: Decrepit Building
423: Creepy Old Orphanage
424: Vampiric Enforcer's Room
425: Sorority Room
426: Leprechaun's Cave
427: Death Row
428: Ghost Finder's Lab
429: Sunken Ruins
430: Faith Chapel
431: Convent
432: Vampire Hunter's Armory
433: Tickling Chamber
434: Fishing Boat Dock
435: Terror Chamber
436: Room of Coffins
437: Agentry
438: Widow's Bedroom
439: Sleepy Hollow Gallery
440: Prisoner's Row
441: Occultic Library
442: Sunken Spire
443: Well of Souls
444: Tomb of the Pharoah's
445: Blood Chamber
446: Pit of the Giant Wolf
447: Victorian Tea Room
448: Gothic Museum
449: Satanic Church
450: Cedar Cabin
451: Halloween Shop
452: Magic Show
453: Skeletal Garage
454: Asylum Common Room
455: Lynching Yard
456: Occultic Garden
457: Dark Post Office
458: Black Wedding
459: Holy Portrait Hall
460: Rl'yeh Gate
461: Victorian Labs
462: Room of Globes
463: Hunter's Parlor
464: Retro TV Room
465: Hall of Miniatures
466: Persian Lounge
467: Photo Freak's Room
468: Maze of Screens
469: Pit of Sharp Objects
470: Pencilhead's Room
471: Puzzle Room
472: Key Cabinet
473: Room of Wooden Cubes
474: Room of Jackets
475: The Giant Cuckoo Clock
476: Rotary Room
477: Room of Lights
478: Swimmin' Hole
479: Typewriter Room
480: Smoking Parlor
481: Cigar Storeroom
482: Second Drawing Room
483: Murder Mystery Parlor
484: Golden Throne
485: Case-File Storeroom
486: Evidence Storage
487: Room of Pulleys
488: Slideshow Theater
489: Cassette Room
490: Room of Newspapers
491: House of Matches
492: Room covered in Duct Tape
493: Room of Plug-Ins
494: Static
495: Relaxation Chamber
496: Lake of Rust
497: Room of Passwords
498: Fishing Pond
499: Detective's Office
500: Pamphlet Office
submitted by RebelTheAnomaly to d100 [link] [comments]

how amlo pillaged mexico's health care system

so i just spend a full 1 hour ride explaining this to my dad when he asked me about our country's president gutting of the "seguro popular" and thought it would be a good idea to tell you guys about this
this is a topic i lived somewhat closely as i spend the past year in my medicine internship and lived through it and talked a lot with those who dealt with it
first some context
mexico healthcare history: call my country north argentina cause for better or - more often - worse we just cannot be a normal third world country like everyone else, and that includes our healthcare system(s)
this country spent most of its history without any kind of national healthcare services: war, poverty, corruption and france zealous defense of their foreign soil bakeries being tough obstacles for such projects as constant warfare is not good for social welfare projects until a couple of interesting fellows appeared:
a spanish baker who had organized his community into a collective support system to help each other with medical expenses thought that having some sort of healthcare from the goverment would be pretty rad and not communist at all as the opposition to the idea accused and his org grew up and gained the attention of a indigena born (more common term used in mexico by our first people) agriculture engineer who reedacted a project and presented it to important people (natives and inmigrants, small feather in liberalism cap)
the mexicam institute for social security was approved in 1941 and started 2 years later or IMSS from now on as is best know (note the cool logo of the eagle protecting the mother and child)
IMSS is kind of a big deal as one of the biggest and strongest syndicates in latinamerica that provided workers with healthcare, nurseries, post retirement payments and other nice stuff. A heavily independent and sometimes isolated and nepotist public organization better understood as a health work28kers syndicate that negotiates its services with the federal goverment
they received funding from federal, state and local goverment as well as another 2 sources of money: a small cut from workers salary and another payment from the employer based on a percentage of the salary
this already has 3 clear problems: self employed people didnt automatically get opted in so bureocracy and policy illiteracy were barriers to access, employers didnt automatically opt and much more importantly, informal workers didnt have a way to access other than burdening the full cost of it without the cut normally paid by employers (more on all this later)
in such a heavily informal economy only a rough 25 ish % of the nation got access to it
and cause this country is weird public and goverment employes wanted their own (casino with blackjack and hookers) healthcare system all for them and they got it (ISSSTE), the mimitar forces wanted their own healthcare system and they got it (SEDENA healthcare) and while we are at it PEMEX (mexico state oil company), the syndicate of train workers amd others wanted their own fully independent (cartels) systems where these syndicates and their leaders could make money and keep power by controlling even more stuff from the workers hands or keep the "bases" aka the jobs for doctors, nurses, bureocrats etc warm for their family etc
these 3 i capitalized (ISSTE, SEDENA AND PEMEX) and IMSS being the only ones that survived (thank fucking god)
this improved coberture to a great... 33? % or somethingh around that, good enough for a 3 point shot in basketball but not for a universal right
so the goverment and its department of health had to give somethingh, not universal care of course, but something to the other third of the population and they had to directly create and manage open hospitals and clinics for the rest of the population (SSA for secretaria de salud units) that often made ends meet by combinin the poor funding they got from goverment with small payments from the population so it was never really free as it should and often too limited leaving people with more expensive illness out of luck
comes 2004 and a new party is in power after 70 years, vicente fox, and his cabinet create " seguro popular" a opt-in insurance created and funded by the goverment that basically works like a private insurance operated by the goverment somehwat loosely in the style of metlife, state farm or gecko and other such business
(not the not as cool eagle lacking logo that gives you a hint of its poorer budget compared to IMSS and ISSTE, this service and the hospitals it worked with despite covering so much people still lacked quality compared to IMSS or ISSTE)
the people who didnt have any of the other 4 insurance (IMSS, ISSSTE, SEDENA, PEMEX) were eligible to pay a small amount of money and the seguro popular paying the bigger part and get access to this new goverment backed org that negotiates with private hospitals, SSA clinics and hospital, IMSS etc
this service was a success and got bigger and more complete over time, going from being somewhat limited at first (emergency care, prenatal healthcare, pregnancy, vaccination, basic pediatrics, basic surgery) to include thinghs like dental care, cancer treatments, nutritionists and psycology in their catalogue
soon they had more than twice the people included that even IMSS did ( even if their "clients" were moderately less well provided than the employer backed systems). the poorer part of mexico uninsured population didnt need to fear medical bankruptcy (as much) amd a majority of the country had healthcare insurance! of different quality, flavor and ease of access (SEDENA, PEMEX and ISSTE workers away of cities had more distance to cover for medical services since their userbase were much smaller and hence had less units) cause mexico had to mexico. but it worked well enough with cheaper quotas to pay for the worker conpared to opting it for IMSS which is even more important since the informal workers are overall less wealthy than IMSS users too
off topic: and sometimes workers whose employers illegally treat them with firing them if they ask for their legal right to IMSS access, this is ilegal but many employers in this country are fine with the risk for every hard earned day little of fucking up workers for some pesos more so the workers pay for seguro popular access
i met and talked with a lot of these workers in my internship
all in all the healthcare insurance systems all lived in harmony but this changed when the lopez obrador nation attacked
amlo is, i am gonna be clear, a dude with a huge ego who needs to replace everythingh his hated enemies (past presidents who beat him in elections) with somthing related to him and the young seguro popular, only 15 years old, was a victim of child murder by our tropical messiah
seguro popular (far from flawless) had to be smeared as much as possible to sell the replacement of it, what obrador called INSABI (national institute for health and wellbeing) to the population who used it amd the best way to go at it was by attacking it on not being a true free healthcare (note the laid off employes worries too )
true, although as someone who did medical practice in a hospital that worked closely with seguro popular (to the point most people tought they owned the hospital rsther than just provide funding, drugs, equipment to use in their users) i can tell that it was cheap and people got it in the same day as they asked for it, surprising burocratic efficiency for this country and had a lotnof reinbursement systems for those who needed it
all in all it was flawed and a imperfect solution to mexico imperfect hesltycare system biggest (huge) gap but it also was way better than AMLO said
So what does our president do to replace it after announcing it would dissapear on january 1 of 2020?
Literally Nothingh, and i mean this quite literally, he dissapeared it without any replacement ready, just like that. all its users went back to 2003 where the same hospitals and clinics are still open (remember seguro popular didnt run them) to everybody but the hospital needs you to pay for the services that before seguro popular covered to make ends meet (note how "fully free it actually is and how much false info amlo uses to promote it)
now i know what may come to mind: so you pay without the intermediary? is not that better? no, because there is still 2 problems big and small ( and this long ass post is ending soon) even beyond the false publicity of this being free AMLO used to campaign
small one first: the goverment in all its glorius populism promised " a real free healthcare" but they are not putting the money where their mouth is and hospitals need to make the budget work so they moved the goalposts to fully free for those worse off and small quotas for the rest (free for the really poor, the slighlty less really poor have to pay) and background checks (yes, really) of sorts to avoid "cheating the system" cost money too, hurra for unnecessary paperwork and burocracy
now here is the real problem that double works as TLDR for this wall of text worthy of trump private fantasies
they didnt reallocate the money that went to seguro popular and people who were on expensive treatments, had cancer or other complicated diseases, those who really needed this the most are the ones who will price
to put a simple example there is literally kids with cancer dying right now whose parents need to find enough charity money for them to live now that seguro popular dissapeared since it covered their treatment and AMLO new replacement is coming any summer now (suure)
i am gonna expand on this a bit to contextualize: i talked with the paedatrician that worked with seguro popular in december 23th, asked her what was gonna happen in january 1th and what exactly insabi was beside its name. "only AMLO maybe knows and that is a maybe". imagine trump announcing that obamacare is dead and will be replaced and 1 week before the desdlin to cease obamacare there were still not any details on what the replacement will be
cause burning with fire everythingh previous (ENEMIES) fellow politician did is urgent, who cares if we dont have a replacemt ready (and want to pocket the money...) amd some kids womt have their lymphoma treatments in the meantime
while we do that lets make sure we emphasize how healthcare access for this 65% of the population is now technically "free" (even if it ends up costing more and doesnt help those who need the healthcare the most)
sorry for all the little jokes but i needed something to have fun writing this to avoid how depressive and infuriating it is typing it and breaking my phone midway
TLDR: mexican leftist trump strips healthcare from those who need it the most cause any leftover from previous goverments must BURN and they pocketed the money cause why not and took credit cause its technically free now (at cost of covering less and people dying cause this)
thank you all who read this
also one of the few english language sources i found that explain this well (note how "free" it actually is, i posted this link above but if you only came for the tldr this peovides the best short explanation )
submitted by RFFF1996 to neoliberal [link] [comments]

Rebuilding giveaway

I've just rebuilt. Thanks everyone for giving many of my bits new homes!
I'm rebuilding soon and would like to re-home the following bits. I do have this list cross-posted on the weekly trading thread too. I’m also sharing it here for more visibility before I rebuild.
Aquarium x1
Archery range x1
Architect office x1
Bank x3 x1
Barber shop x3
Bike shop x3 x2
Billiard hall x1
Bling jewelers x1
Book store x1
Cake studio x3
Casino x1
Cheese shop x1
Cineplex x1
Comedy club x3
Creative ink x1
Dance studio x1
Day spa x1
Dentists office x3
Donut shop x1
Fancy cuisine x1
Film studio x1
Floral studio x1
Furniture store x1
Game studio x2
Graphic design x1
Haunted house x3 x1
Lotus house x1
Mechanic x2
Mexican food x1
Moroccan cuisine x1
Museum x3
Music store x2
Night club x2 x1
Paintball arena x1
Planetarium x3
Plant nursery x3
Pottery studio x1
Racquetball x2
Robot store x1
Rock climbing x1
Seafood x1
Smoothie shop x3
Soda brewery x3
Sub shop x4 x3
Tech store x1
Theater x1
Vegan food x1
Video rental x1
Volleyball club x1
submitted by justmistythings to tinytower [link] [comments]

OSM feature list - python script + API(WIP)

A day or two ago, I posted here if I can get a list of all types of classification of key, value is OSM. I was referred to : Which was helpful because it was legit and contained all the information I needed. But as it is way too big. It was hard for me handle. So I wrote a python script and made it easy. Source code is available under MIT license in GitHub : Anyone fell free to contribute and find out issues in the project.
Thanks everyone, specially to u/pietervdvn and u/maxerickson.

Here is the result, the latest version of the result can be found in readme in GitHub. I will be trying to host these data as much as possible. Anyone interested can contact with me.
For API call this : API features
{ "fire_object:type": [], "sorting_name": [], "highway": [ "motorway", "trunk", "primary", "secondary", "tertiary", "unclassified", "residential", "motorway_link", "trunk_link", "primary_link", "secondary_link", "tertiary_link", "living_street", "service", "pedestrian", "track", "bus_guideway", "escape", "raceway", "road", "footway", "bridleway", "steps", "corridor", "path", "cycleway", "proposed", "construction", "bus_stop", "crossing", "elevator", "emergency_access_point", "give_way", "milestone", "mini_roundabout", "motorway_junction", "passing_place", "platform", "rest_area", "speed_camera", "street_lamp", "services", "stop", "traffic_mirror", "traffic_signals", "trailhead", "turning_circle", "turning_loop", "toll_gantry", "User Defined" ], "non_existent_levels": [], "wood": [], "junction": [ "roundabout" ], "building": [ "apartments", "bungalow", "cabin", "detached", "dormitory", "farm", "ger", "hotel", "house", "houseboat", "residential", "semidetached_house", "static_caravan", "terrace", "commercial", "industrial", "kiosk", "office", "retail", "supermarket", "warehouse", "cathedral", "chapel", "church", "mosque", "religious", "shrine", "synagogue", "temple", "bakehouse", "civic", "fire_station", "government", "hospital", "kindergarten", "public", "school", "toilets", "train_station", "transportation", "university", "barn", "conservatory", "cowshed", "farm_auxiliary", "greenhouse", "stable", "sty", "grandstand", "pavilion", "riding_hall", "sports_hall", "stadium", "hangar", "hut", "shed", "carport", "garage", "garages", "parking", "digester", "service", "transformer_tower", "water_tower", "bunker", "bridge", "construction", "roof", "ruins", "tree_house", "user defined " ], "service": [ "alley", "crossover", "siding", "spur", "yard" ], "est_width": [], "toll": [], "addr:place": [], "area": [], "cutting": [ "yes" ], "bicycle_road": [], "motorcycle": [], "wheelchair": [], "reg_name": [], "sac_scale": [], "opening_hours": [], "psv": [], "ele": [], "goods": [], "shop": [ "alcohol", "bakery", "beverages", "brewing_supplies", "butcher", "cheese", "chocolate", "coffee", "confectionery", "convenience", "deli", "dairy", "farm", "frozen_food", "greengrocer", "health_food", "ice_cream", "organic", "pasta", "pastry", "seafood", "spices", "tea", "wine", "water", "department_store", "general", "kiosk", "mall", "supermarket", "wholesale", "baby_goods", "bag", "boutique", "clothes", "fabric", "fashion", "fashion_accessories", "jewelry", "leather", "sewing", "shoes", "tailor", "watches", "wool", "charity", "second_hand", "variety_store", "beauty", "chemist", "cosmetics", "erotic", "hairdresser", "hairdresser_supply", "hearing_aids", "herbalist", "massage", "medical_supply", "nutrition_supplements", "optician", "perfumery", "tattoo", "agrarian", "appliance", "bathroom_furnishing", "doityourself", "electrical", "energy", "fireplace", "florist", "garden_centre", "garden_furniture", "gas", "glaziery", "hardware", "houseware", "locksmith", "paint", "security", "trade", "windows", "antiques", "bed", "candles", "carpet", "curtain", "doors", "flooring", "furniture", "household_linen", "interior_decoration", "kitchen", "lighting", "tiles", "window_blind", "computer", "robot", "electronics", "hifi", "mobile_phone", "radiotechnics", "vacuum_cleaner", "atv", "bicycle", "boat", "car", "car_repair", "car_parts", "caravan", "fuel", "fishing", "free_flying", "golf", "hunting", "jetski", "military_surplus", "motorcycle", "outdoor", "scuba_diving", "ski", "snowmobile", "sports", "swimming_pool", "trailer", "tyres", "art", "collector", "craft", "frame", "games", "model", "music", "musical_instrument", "photo", "camera", "trophy", "video", "video_games", "anime", "books", "gift", "lottery", "newsagent", "stationery", "ticket", "bookmaker", "cannabis", "copyshop", "dry_cleaning", "e-cigarette", "funeral_directors", "laundry", "money_lender", "party", "pawnbroker", "pet", "pet_grooming", "pest_control", "pyrotechnics", "religion", "storage_rental", "tobacco", "toys", "travel_agency", "vacant", "weapons", "outpost", "user defined" ], "official_name": [], "traffic_sign": [], "tactile_paving": [], "forestry": [], "maxwidth": [ "Width" ], "surface": [], "amenity": [ "bar", "bbq", "biergarten", "cafe", "drinking_water", "fast_food", "food_court", "ice_cream", "pub", "restaurant", "college", "driving_school", "kindergarten", "language_school", "library", "toy_library", "music_school", "school", "university", "bicycle_parking", "bicycle_repair_station", "bicycle_rental", "boat_rental", "boat_sharing", "bus_station", "car_rental", "car_sharing", "car_wash", "vehicle_inspection", "charging_station", "ferry_terminal", "fuel", "grit_bin", "motorcycle_parking", "parking", "parking_entrance", "parking_space", "taxi", "atm", "bank", "bureau_de_change", "baby_hatch", "clinic", "dentist", "doctors", "hospital", "nursing_home", "pharmacy", "social_facility", "veterinary", "arts_centre", "brothel", "casino", "cinema", "community_centre", "fountain", "gambling", "nightclub", "planetarium", "public_bookcase", "social_centre", "stripclub", "studio", "swingerclub", "theatre", "animal_boarding", "animal_shelter", "baking_oven", "bench", "childcare", "clock", "conference_centre", "courthouse", "crematorium", "dive_centre", "embassy", "fire_station", "firepit", "give_box", "grave_yard", "gym", "hunting_stand", "internet_cafe", "kitchen", "kneipp_water_cure", "marketplace", "monastery", "photo_booth", "place_of_worship", "police", "post_box", "post_depot", "post_office", "prison", "public_bath", "public_building", "ranger_station", "recycling", "refugee_site", "sanitary_dump_station", "sauna", "shelter", "shower", "telephone", "toilets", "townhall", "vending_machine", "waste_basket", "waste_disposal", "waste_transfer_station", "watering_place", "water_point", "user defined" ], "name:left": [], "disused": [], "toilets:wheelchair": [], "mtb:scale:uphill": [], "leaf_type": [], "maxspeed": [ "Speed" ], "ice_road": [], "building:max_level": [], "location": [], "fire_rank": [], "nudism": [], "public_transport": [ "stop_position", "platform", "station" ], "drive_through": [], "loc_name": [], "roadtrain": [], "railway:track_ref": [], "mtb:description": [], "motor_vehicle": [], "addr:street": [], "short_name": [], "produce": [], "overtaking": [], "bdouble": [], "oneway": [], "passing_places": [], "name": [], "parking:lane": [], "motorcar": [], "cycleway": [ "lane", "opposite", "opposite_lane", "track", "opposite_track", "share_busway", "opposite_share_busway", "shared_lane" ], "admin_level": [], "maxlength": [ "Length" ], "turn": [], "tracks": [], "incline": [], "width": [], "hgv": [], "moped": [], "name:": [], "hazmat": [], "mofa": [], "int_name": [], "addr:interpolation": [], "atv": [], "boundary": [ "aboriginal_lands", "administrative", "maritime", "marker", "national_park", "political", "postal_code", "protected_area", "user defined" ], "addr:hamlet": [], "mtb:scale": [], "inscription": [], "railway": [ "abandoned", "construction", "disused", "funicular", "light_rail", "miniature", "monorail", "narrow_gauge", "preserved", "rail", "subway", "tram", "halt", "platform", "station", "subway_entrance", "tram_stop", "buffer_stop", "derail", "crossing", "level_crossing", "signal", "switch", "railway_crossing", "turntable", "roundhouse", "traverser", "wash", "user defined" ], "voltage": [], "ski": [], "addr:city": [], "tank": [], "maxstay": [], "foot": [], "building:min_level": [], "frequency": [], "emergency": [ "phone" ], "addr:postcode": [], "old_name": [], "name_1": [], "maxweight": [ "Weight" ], "bridge": [ "yes" ], "embedded_rails": [], "nat_name": [], "building:levels": [], "layer": [], "parking:condition": [], "addr:full": [], "agricultural": [], "Relation:restriction": [], "golf_cart": [], "crossing": [], "route": [ "bicycle", "bus", "canoe", "detour", "ferry", "foot", "hiking", "horse", "inline_skates", "light_rail", "mtb", "piste", "power", "railway", "road", "running", "ski", "subway", "train", "tracks", "tram", "trolleybus", "" ], "crossing:island": [], "landuse": [ "commercial", "construction", "industrial", "residential", "retail", "allotments", "farmland", "farmyard", "forest", "meadow", "orchard", "vineyard", "basin", "brownfield", "cemetery", "conservation", "depot", "garages", "grass", "greenfield", "greenhouse_horticulture", "landfill", "military", "", "plant_nursery", "port", "quarry", "railway", "recreation_ground", "religious", "reservoir", "salt_pond", "village_green", "user defined", "railway" ], "tunnel": [ "yes" ], "addr:housenumber": [], "mountain_pass": [], "maxaxleload": [ "Weight" ], "charge": [], "abutters": [], "tracktype": [], "start_date": [], "narrow": [], "lanes": [], "ford": [], "tidal": [], "smoothness": [], "driving_side": [], "building:fireproof": [], "addr:state": [], "usage": [], "winter_road": [], "boat": [], "addr:subdistrict": [], "access": [ "designated" ], "drive_in": [], "addr:suburb": [], "bicycle": [], "entrance": [], "internet_access": [], "sidewalk": [], "addr:housename": [], "motorboat": [], "mtb:scale:imba": [], "motorroad": [], "addr:province": [], "noexit": [], "horse": [], "4wd_only": [], "vehicle": [], "addr:district": [], "lhv": [], "building:flats": [], "inline_skates": [], "busway": [ "lane" ], "maxheight": [ "Height" ], "end_date": [], "service_times": [], "leaf_cycle": [], "addr:inclusion": [], "electrified": [], "minspeed": [ "Speed" ], "addr:country": [], "traffic_calming": [], "alt_name": [], "soft_storey": [], "border_type": [], "embankment": [], "trail_visibility": [], "addr:conscriptionnumber": [], "fire_operator": [], "height": [], "lit": [], "covered": [], "addr:flats": [], "operator": [] } 
submitted by maifee to openstreetmap [link] [comments]

Major Arcana career paths

I wrote this up a little while ago. I saw a comment on the advice post asking about career paths of the HP and I thought I would post this to help people out. This is based on my own interpretation and research. I hope it helps!
I'd also love to know what you think and if there's anything you think should be added or moved and why.
The Fool - A trainee/apprentice, someone at the beginning of their career, trying to get a foot in the door. Junior creatives, performers – especially comedians, clowns etc – and athletes. Relates to a variety of career paths but never someone who is particularly advanced in their field. Can also relate to students.
The Magician - Writer, novelist, poet, journalist, comedian, any media career. Anyone who works with words and has a knack for wit or conversation. Acrobat, stuntperson. Dancer, actor. Scientist, lab tech. Art studio technician. Electrician, carpenter, handyman. IT jobs. Inventor. Possibly a literal magician, someone who does slight of hand. If reversed or ill-dignified, possibly a conman or someone who makes money by swindling others.
The High Priestess - Nun or priestess of a religious order, spiritual leader or guru, yoga teacher. Midwife, nurse, counsellor or psychotherapist. Psychic medium, Tarot readefortune teller, paranormal researcher. Librarian, translator. Curator of a gallery or museum. Art or antique dealer. Historian, archaeologist. Teacher.
The Empress - Nurse, midwife, obstetrician/gynaecologist, sex therapist. Vet or someone who cares for animals. Carer. Artist, especially fashion design/illustration. Seamstress, window dresser. Gardener, interior designer, florist. Nursery nurse, childmindenanny. Conservationist, ecologist, biologist. Farmer. Chef. Beauty therapist, hairdressebarber or cosmetologist.
The Emperor - Business person, CEO, entrepeneur. Business consultant, property developer, investor, estate agent, surveyor. Accountant, stockbroker. Politician. Architect, draftsman, construction worker (especially foreman). Engineer. Management. Military. Security guard, bouncer. Bailiff. Personal trainer, bodybuilder, mountaineer.
The Hierophant - Teacher, college professor. Philosopher, writer - especially of spiritual or academic texts. Priest, pastor, minister, rabbi, monk or imam etc. Mentor, life coach. Yogi. Justice of the peace, registrar. Historian. Clerical worker.
The Lovers - Represents the passion one has for their career (especially creative careers), or someone who is at a crossroads in their professional life. Business partnerships. Wedding planner. Marriage counsellor. Career counsellor. Matchmakedating agency rep. Bridalwear designer or vendor.
The Chariot - Driver, valet. Race car driver. Jockey, someone who breeds animals for racing. Athletes, especially runners and competitive sport players. Pilot, train driver, bus driver, sailor, especially helmsmen. Driving instructor. Hunteforager. Business person. Martial artist. Logistics.
Strength - Animal handler, farrier, stable hand, kennel worker, dog trainer, falconer, etc. All kinds of animal husbandry are denoted with this card. Conservationist. Vet. Nurse or Carer. Counsellor. Shepherd. Someone who trains others in a professional setting. Social worker. Aid worker. Lifeguard. Masseuse, physiotherapist. Nurse. Tai chi instructor.
The Hermit - Self employed people/freelancers. Can signify unemployment or someone on leave from work. Light technician. Miner, cave explorer. Philosopher. Monk. Vagrant. Treasure hunter. Forest warden. Librarian. Occultist. Career advisor. Administrator. Night watchman. Farmer. Anyone who works alone.
Wheel of Fortune - Casino worker, professional gambler. Community outreach volunteer, Sociologist. Fortune telleastrologer. Business careers. Seasonal work. Travel agent and 'digital nomad' jobs. Logistics. Mechanic. Factory worker. Fairground business, entertainment industry (but more 'behind the scenes' staff than performers). Investment banking, stockbroker. DJ. If ill dignified, someone with a gambling problem.
Justice - Judge, lawyer. Mediator. Dispute resolution. Magistrate. Prison warden. Police officer. Exam invigilatoproctor. Politician. Banking. Chemist. Social justice activist. Civil servant.
The Hanged Man - Doctor, surgeon. Hospital workers of all kinds, especially morgue workers. Acupuncturist. Another unemployment card, but more so to do with being in between jobs/waiting to hear back from someone.
Death - Funeral director, undertaker. Enbalmer. Grave digger. Palliative carer. Wills and probate specialist. Celebrant. Anaesthesiologist. Coroner. Forensic scientist. Cleaner.
Temperance - Drug and alcohol rehab worker, counsellotherapist - particularly for those struggling with addiction but also for those recovering from abuse. Mixologist, bar tender. Publican. Plumber, water treatment facility worker. Doctor. Pharmacist, Chemist, Perfumier. Cook.
The Devil - Sex worker. If ill-dignified, hustler or pimp, or someone who makes money by exploiting others. Business people. Bankers. Lawyers who work to protect the interests of businesses, especially copyright/property lawyers. Rock musician. Tattooist/body piercer. Slaughterhouse worker. Prison warden. Police officer.
The Tower - Demolition expert. Bomb squad/explosives expert. Emergency services - paramedic, firefighter, police, dispatchers. Search and rescue. Tree surgeon. Military career - especially tank and parachute regiments and artillery experts.
The Star - Actor, dancer. Artist. Musician. Performer. Model. Photographer, videographer. Creative director. Fashion designer. Spiritual healer. Gemmologist, jeweller. Activist. Nonprofit sector. Astronomer. Astronaut.
The Moon - Therapist, psychiatrist. Mental health nurse. Detective. Hynotist. Dream/sleep therapist. Artist. Art therapist. Psychic consultant. Fortune teller. Stage designer. Dog walkegroomer, kennel hand. Fisherman. Salvagers. Scuba diver. Marine biologist.
The Sun - Performing arts, lighting/spotlight operator, circus worker, comedian, musician, photographer, artist. Someone who works outdoors--gardener, landscaper, etc. Children's entertainer. Holiday representative or travel agent. Florist. Astrologer. Energy sector worker.
Judgement - Judge, speech writer, musician. Radio host, presenter. Examiner, invigilator. Human resources. Customer services. School principal. Legal advisor. Critic. Cleaner. Paramedic. Restorer or repairer of items.
The World - Travel agent, people who travel for work a lot. Another 'digital nomad' card. Dancer. Hotelier. Travel guide, tour guide. Event planner. Geologist. Navigator, cartographer. Denotes highly successful people who have achieved the pinnacle of their career. Retirement.
submitted by vesper101 to tarot [link] [comments]

D100+ rooms for a bunker in a Cyberpunk/Post-Apocalyptic Bunker

  1. The Entrance Hall: Rather showy, decorated with depictions of all the different amenities, and maybe an info-center and gift shop.
  2. Elevator: Self-Explanatory
  3. Living Quarters: A veritable hotel of 1000 or so rooms, ranging from just the basics to Bill Gates level luxuries.
  4. Power Generator: Fairly standard electricity generating complex.
  5. Diner: Both a sit-down restaurant and an order-out service.
  6. Water Treatment Facility: Standard water cleaning facility
  7. Storage Room: Supplies. Nuff said.
  8. Medbay: All your medical needs.
  9. Science Lab: We need progress, not just culturally, but scientifically as well.
  10. Administrator's Office: The state of this room depends on the politics of the bunker. Personally, i'd have it well used yet well maintained.
  11. Radio Center: With internet having gone AWOL, we have to use radios for comms now.
  12. Armory: Enough weapons to make the U.S. army jealous.
  13. Weight Room: Give yourself some killer pecs.
  14. Athletics Room: A gym to improve one's agility
  15. Weapon Labs: To develop more effective ways of dealing with enemies.
  16. School: We need to develop our future's minds.
  17. Tailories: One cannot go around without clothes, so these workers clothe the masses.
  18. Fitness Room: Another gym, this one is more about body maintenance than improvement.
  19. Lounge: A high-end club.
  20. Pawn Shop: Scavvers bring most of their wares here.
  21. Game Room: Board games, Arcade games, Handhelds, it's all here.
  22. Barbershop: Change your hair.
  23. Nuclear Reactor: We have to harness as many different energy sources as possible.
  24. Garden: Where plant based food is grown.
  25. Soda Bottling Plant: Nuclear Fusion Energy Drink, Pura-Cola, and Moon Nectar are the real standouts.
  26. Root Cellar: For drying foods.
  27. Climbing Wall: Need to exhaust your kids?
  28. International Foods: For cultured people.
  1. Bio-fuel distillery
  2. Alcohol Distillery/Brewery
  3. Cybernetics Lab
  4. Gun Range
  5. Morgue
  6. Quarantine Facility
  7. Rodent Farm
  8. VR Library/Entertainment Room
  9. Walk-in Freezer
  1. Nursery:
  2. Recycling Center:
  3. School / Training Room:
  4. Security Room: guard room with monitors
  5. Seed Vault:
  6. Waste Processing Center:
  7. Work Shop: Place to build or repair anything that you might need.
  8. Drone Control Room: why send people up to the surface when you can have drones / robots do the work.
Inspired by The_Mad_Doctor's idea
46: Pets room
More of my own ideas.
  1. Canteen: Free food for poor people.
  2. Museum: To display old world artifacts that are now obsolete.
  3. Cowboy Bar: Strong booze and Mechanical bulls.
50: Perimeter Defense: Mines, Turrets, traps, and other things to protect the bunker.
51: Bakery: Self-explanatory
52: Party Room: Similar to those rooms in Bowling Alleys.
53: Homebrew: Well, we need to produce the booze somehow...
54: Dentistry
55: Furniture Depot
56: Archives: Countless pieces of data were collected before the war by a preservation society
57: Tunnels: The tunnels leading to the nearby abandoned subways and sewers.
58: Calendar Room: A bit like the clocks in the pentagon.
59: Modern Kitchen: For those who want to cook.
60: Casino: A bit like Mario Party actually.
61: Nursing Home: For those who need added assistance.
62:Antiques: A normal pawnshop, unlike the actual place labelled "Pawnshop"
63: Distillery: Different kind of alcohol then the Homebrew.
64: Treasure Hunting Club: Yeah, some people hunt for rare old world items.
65: Pharmacy
66: Band Hall: For aspiring musicians.
67: Video Games: A place for devving new ones.
68: Air Circulation: We need to breathe underground.
69: Comms Room
70: Blackout Room: To keep the power running.
71: Wardrobe: Communal Clothing
72: Panic Rooms
73: Firestation
74: Firearms Center: For selling, buying, and making guns
75: Hydroponic Garden
76: Shoemaking: Self-Explanatory
77: Water Tank
78: Coffee Joint
79: Alarm Room: Like perimeter defense, except more about warning than warding.
80: Basement: Specific Housing
81: Movie Studios
82: Survival Training
83: Simulated Island
84: Brix House (The Lego House in Denmark and a Functioning Brix Factory)
85: Anti-Corruption Office
86: Music Hall
87: Robotics Factory
88: Submarine Bay
89: Orphanage
90: Luxury Goods Market
91: Butchery
92: Shady Club
93: Embassy
94: Nostalgia Market
95: Squatting Houses
96: Computer Lab
97: CDC
98: Puppet Theater
99: Underground Jungle
100: Cloning Labs
submitted by RebelTheAnomaly to d100 [link] [comments]

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